Measures have been taken to expand the use of renewable energy sources in the first half of this year

During the six months of 2019, the Ministry of Energy has started preparing legislative acts joinly with Norway's DNV GL Energy Advisory GmbHincreasing to increase the specific weight of alternative and renewable energy sources in total electricity generation capacity, improvement of normative legal base to regulate this sector in order to attract private investment in alternative and renewable energy, preparation of documents covering discounted tariffs and other incentive measures.

The Ministry of Energy is keen to cooperate with the United Nations Development Program within the framework of reforms in energy sector

A meeting with the delegation led by UNDP Deputy Resident Representative Yuliya Shcherbinina took place at the Ministry of Energy. At the meeting, the sides discussed opportunities for cooperation with the UNDP on implementing the measures identified by the Decree on " The acceleration of reforms in the energy sector of the Republic of Azerbaijan".