The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan is the central executive authority implementing state policy and regulations in the fuel and energy sectors. In its activities, the ministry is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, international treaties to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party and the Regulation of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The fuel and energy sectors consist of activities defined in the field of energy by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan ‘On Energy’. The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan was established by Executive Order No. 3 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated October 22, 2013. Previously, the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan was established by Decree No. 150 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated December 6, 2004, and the Ministry of Fuel and Energy by Decree No. 458 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated April 18, 2001.
The Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan was abolished by Executive Order No. 3 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated October 22, 2013. Its functions were transferred to the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The Regulation of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan was approved by Decree No. 149 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated April 11, 2014.