In July 2020 the Energy Regulatory Agency under the Ministry of Energy did not conduct investigations in the electricity and gas supply networks of consumers financed from the budget, observance of the safety rules and use of electricity, as well as the status of ensuring of the efficient use of gas in the budget-financed enterprises and the safe operation of gas facilities, the status of observance of the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the requirements of the "Rules on the Use of Gas" and other normative legal acts on the relevant field due to current lockdown regime.
In the field of power supply, commissioning acts were provided to the external electrical installations of 15 new or reconstructed construction facilities, including the ones that modified its power supply scheme in July. Project documents of 23 electrical installations on the power supply to various construction facilities were expertised and agreed, and 6 project documents were rejected due to the shortcomings found.   
In accordance with the agreed 3 projects presented by natural gas consumers, the operation of the completed industrial gas facilities was allowed. A total of 196 project documents prepared for gas supply of construction facilities was agreed upon by expert opinion.
As a result of the inspections carried out by the agency, it was found out that 2 gas installations were connected to gas distribution networks last month with violation of the requirements of the “Rules on the Use of Gas” and relevant instructions were given to gas distributors..
37 protocols under the relevant articles of the Code of the Azerbaijan Republic on Administrative Violations were prepared by the offices of Energy Regulatory Agency. The technical condition of 8 electric meters was checked, the schemes and modules of current transformers were checked and sealed, the automatic meter was performed with the participation of the representatives of “Azerenergy” OJSC, “Azerishiq” OJSC.
During this period, on the basis of consumers' appeals, 39 electro technical staff and safety engineers in 14 enterprises has been checked for knowledge of labor safety, technical operation and fire safety, and as a result of the inspection. 

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