Approved by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 23, 2023 No. 3721, in paragraph 8.2.3 of the Action Plan on the State Program for harmonization of the national standardization system with international requirements for 2023-2025 “Improving the performance of technical committees on standardization taking into account international experience” was set out. In this regard, by Order of the Azerbaijan Standardization Institute public legal entity dated March 11, 2024, the Technical Committee for Standardization of Electric Power and Renewable Energy (AZSTAND/TC 46) was established.

Decision on establishment of Technical Committee on Standardization of Electric Power and Renewable Energy

Regulations of the Technical Committee on Standardization of Electric Power and Renewable Energy

Structure of the Technical Committee

ACTIVITY PLAN of the Technical Committee for 2024-2025


The next meeting of the Technical Committee on Standardization of Electric Power Engineering and Renewable Energy was held

Technical Committee established in the field of electric power engineering and renewable energy

A meeting of the Technical Committee in the field of green energy was held