The next hybrid meeting of the Technical Committee on standardization of Electric Power Engineering and Renewable Energy was held at the Ministry of Energy.

The meeting was held to discuss the drafts of AZS EN 30-2-1:2024 - Gas-powered household kitchen appliances - Part 2-1: Efficient use of energy - General, AZS EN 15218:2024 - Air conditioners and liquid refrigeration units with steam cooling condenser and electric drive compressor for space cooling - Terms, definitions, test conditions, test methods and requirements and AZS IEC 62512: 2024 - Household electric washing machines with drying function - Efficiency measurement methods.

Opening the meeting, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Ministry - Chairman of the Technical Committee Khalida Masimova spoke about the contribution of standardization to the economy, especially the development of the energy sector. It was noted that the application of standards is of exceptional importance in terms of ensuring the quality of equipment used in the energy sector, products used in everyday life, as well as services provided in this area and protecting consumer rights.

Then, Elman Alikhanov, an employee of the Strategic Planning and Coordination Department of the Azerbaijan Standardization Institute, gave detailed information about the final version of all three standard projects.

At the end, additional proposals and recommendations of the members of the Technical Committee on projects were heard, and it was considered appropriate to improve and adopt all three standard projects in a short period of time. 


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