Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov delivered a speech on “Green energy zone” at the conference on the “Post-conflict building model under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev” dedicated to the second anniversary of the Victory Day.

The Minister noted that thanks to the historic victory won under the leadership of President of Azerbaijan, victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, along with the military-political settlement of the conflict and the restoration of the territorial integrity and historical rights of our country, Azerbaijan has become a state that determines the new geopolitical dynamics. The processes concerning the restoration and reintegration of Karabakh and East Zangazur along with the opening of the Zangazur corridor demonstrate the President's strategic vision of a sustainable peace, safe and prosperous future in the region.

The importance assigned to the development of renewable energy, both in the context of decarbonization and diversification of energy balance was emphasized. The President’s announcement of Karabakh and East Zangazur as a net zero-emission “green energy zone" was noted as a manifestation of such a progressive development policy: the development model strengthens the role of liberated territories in the transformation of Azerbaijan into a clean-environment “green growth”, “green energy” producer and exporter country. Based on the 10,000-megawatt potential of this region, within the next 4 years the construction of wind, solar and large hydro power plants with a total capacity of 780-megawatt power is intended. In this direction, currently work is carried out with BP company on the “Shafag” solar power plant project with the capacity of 240 MW”.

Moreover, it was stated that research is currently underway for the restoration and construction of more than 50 small hydropower plants with a total capacity of more than 320 MW.  

In the speech, it was noted that the liberated territories along with the production and consumption of “green energy” will become a source and route for this energy, and the Azerbaijan-Turkey-Europe Energy Corridor is one of the prospects of this new reality. Emphasizing that with the work done within the framework of the purposeful policy pursued by Mr. President Ilham Aliyev will create an excellent example with the Azerbaijan post-conflict reconstruction model, and our country's peace goal, creative determination, clear strategic vision for the present and future will turn the region into a sustainable development space.


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