Under the chairmanship of Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov, the next meeting of the Working Group on Coordination and Monitoring regarding the application of green technologies and energy efficiency requirements in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held.

According to the decision adopted at the previous meeting of the Working Group, the report of the Working Group Secretariat on the measures taken over the past period was heard and the implementation of the tasks set for the establishment of the “green energy zone” in the liberated territories was discussed.

The reports of representatives of Restoration, Construction and Management services No. 1 in Eastern Zangezur Economic Region and Restoration, Construction and Management Services in Karabakh Economic Region were heard on construction works and implemented projects in accordance with the requirements of the Green Energy Zone Concept.

At the meeting, there was also an exchange of views on monitoring the implementation of green technologies and energy efficiency requirements and other current issues, relevant decisions were made.

It should be noted that, along with the state bodies included in the Working Group, representatives of the Restoration, Construction and Management Service in the Karabakh Economic Region public legal entity, Restoration, Construction and Management Service No. 1 in the Eastern Zangazur Economic Region Public legal entity and the Karabakh Revival Fund also attended the meeting.

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