On the occasion of the 34th anniversary of the tragedy of 20 January, which occupies an honorable place in the history of the struggle for the sovereignty and freedom of our country, the Ministry of Energy held a commemorative event untitled 20 January - National Mourning Day.

First, the memory of our martyrs who died for the independence of Azerbaijan was commemorated with a minute of silence.

Deputy Minister of Energy Samir Valiyev made a speech and noted that the tragedy of bloody January are always remembered as a page of heroism in the memory and history of the Azerbaijani people. In January 1990, as a result of the entering USSR troops to Baku, the atrocities and terrible crimes committed against civilians who fight for the freedom of our country were discussed. It was emphasized that the events of January 20 formed the national identity of Azerbaijan and were engraved in our history as the peak of the national liberation movement of our people for independence in our heroic history.

It was noted that only  after the return of national leader Heydar Aliyev to political power in Azerbaijanin 1993, the tragedy of 20 January received political-legal assessment at the state level. Successfully continuing the path of great leader Heydar Aliyev, President Ilham Aliyev pays special attention to perpetuate the memory of our martyrs, strengthen the social protection of their families. Thanks to the initiatives of the Head of State, an effective social protection system has been formed for persons with disabilities and families of martyrs in connection with the events of January 20.

It was also emphasized in the speech that the triumphant outcome of the military operations carried out under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev for the liberation of our lands in 2020 gladdened the souls of our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for freedom, including the martyrs of January 20, and we avenged our martyrs.

The memorial ceremony ended with a video about 20 January tragedy.

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