A tree planting action, which was initiated and organized by the Ministry of Energy, was held on the occasion of 8 November - Victory Day in the territory of Gobustan Hybrid Power Plant. The event was attended by the staff of the Ministry and the agencies under the Ministry. 
298 trees of various species were planted in memory of our cities, villages and settlements liberated from the invasion during the 44-day Patriotic War in the territory of Gobustan Hybrid Power Plant within the action.
The Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov congratulated the staff of the Ministry on the occasion of Victory Day, talked about the heroism of our glorious army fighting for our motherland under the leadership of Commander-in-Chief, and noted that the memory of our high-hearted soldiers and officers who fought heroically during the Patriotic War and sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of our country, and all of our martyrs were always cherished and remembered by our people with great respect.
At the same time, the staff of the Ministry paid a visit to the martyrs' families from Gobustan and provided them with holiday presents on the occasion of Victory Day.

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