In accordance with the "Azerbaijan 2030: National priorities for socio-economic development", the second meeting of the sub-Working Group on the green energy zone was held in order to coordinate the activities of the relevant state bodies in connection with the preparation of the "Socio-economic development strategy for 2021-2025".
The meeting, chaired by the head of the sub-Working Group, Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov, discussed the work done during the first session. It was noted that the general list of the activity directions related to the preparation of the strategy, the initial project of the working plan, the sub-objectives and target indicators, the state programs to be adopted, other documents and measures were made and submitted. 
They had exchange of views on the involvement of representatives of consulting company specialized in the direction of activity of sub-Working Group, other governmental bodies, public companies, academia, confederation, association, civil society organizations and private organizations in developing "Socio-economic development strategy for 2021-2025". Proposals of the members of the Working Group on the organization of the working process were discussed.

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