Representatives of the Asian Development Bank, Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, "Tamiz Shahar" JSC, "Azerbaijan Energy Engineering and Consulting" LLC, Executive Power of Sabuncu District , municipalities and public organizations discussed "Development of Floating Solar Energy Systems" project. During the discussions on the initial assessment of the environmental impact of the project, information was provided on the works carried out within the implementation of the floating solar energy system on Boyukshor Lake, floating solar panels and assessment of the environmental impact, and opinions and suggestions were heard. It was noted that this first project on solar photovoltaic technologies will contribute to increase the role of various renewable energy sources in the total energy production of the country, to ensure energy security and to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the environment by developing knowledge and skills in this field. In addition, environmental impacts of all infrastructure elements of the pilot project have been assessed in accordance with the requirements of the ADB's Safeguard Policy. This assessment will not have any environmental impacts on the project. From the environmental point of view, the institutional legal base has been developed to ensure the implementation of the project. In accordance with the Environmental Monitoring Plan, all construction and commissioning activities will be monitored. At the same time, the socio-economic benefits of improving the energy supply of the project and the employment of the local population were also highlighted.

It should be noted that a pilot project for the installation of a floating solar panel with a capacity of 100 kW is being implemented by Spanish company EQO-NIXUS as consultant and local company Azerbaijan Energy Engineering and Consulting LLC ("AEEC" LLC) with the financial support of ADB.  The Ministry of Energy is the executive body for the project.

The project is being implemented in Azerbaijan, as well as Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan. The project includes installation of pilot floating solar devices in these countries and the assessment of larger devices, development of business models for private sector involvement, and increasing the capacity of the relevant bodies for the design, construction and commissioning of floating solar photovoltaic systems. 

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