Trainings on electric power losses in the networks were held jointly organized by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)Energy Regulatory Agency (AERA) and DNV GL. In the trainings consisting of several sessions, participants were informed about the importance of reducing losses, reduction of losses in Azerbaijan, definition and classification, types of losses and criteria for measurement, comparisons and reasons for differences internationally.

Then technical losses reduction strategies, and the factors causing technical losses were discussed. While discussing the strategy to reduce commercial losses, options to reduce losses, the balance of costs and benefits were comparatively analyzed.

Trainers, who answered participants' questions during the interactive training sessions, shared a number of countries` experiences. So, brief overview of activities has been given about the countries such as Chile, Argentina and Oman that have succeeded to reduce high losses. Speaking about the experience of the leading European countries in this sphere, trainers have provided examples of achievements made by Ukraine.

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