The State Secretary of the Ministry of Energy of Romania, Lulian Robert Tudorache, representatives of Transgaz and Romgaz companies visited the Ministry of Energy. Lulian Robert Tudorache mentioned that it was his second attendance at the Ministerial Meetings of the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council and he highlighted his country's support for the project. He stated that Bulgaria-Romania interconnector and BRUA project would play an important role in expanding the Southern Gas Corridor to the Central Europe in the future. Lulian Robert Tudorache mentioned that Romania was planning to be a part of the Southern Gas Corridor by those projects in the future.

The Minister of Energy, Parviz Shahbazov highly appreciated Romania's position and spoke about the prospects for expanding the “Southern Gas Corridor” by increasing its capacity in the future. The Minister stated that the project implemented by Azerbaijan was a corridor. This will allow diversifying the producer, consumer and transit countries in the future.

At the meeting it was noted that the strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Romania would serve the interests of both countries in the energy field.

The possibilities of cooperation between the Romanian energy companies and SOCAR were also discussed at the meeting.

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