At the Ministry of Energy, a delegation led by Deputy Chairman of "Azerkosmos" OJSC Rovshan Rustamov discussed issues of applying satellite observation services in the energy sector.

Deputy Minister of Energy Samir Veliyev emphasized the importance of using satellite services in the energy field like it is applied in many directions. He pointed out that the Ministry of Energy is the executor of implementation measures in 4 directions of the "State Program for the Development of Distance Monitoring Services of the Earth for 2019-2022." Also, Samir Veliyev stated that the cooperation with “Azerkosmos” OSJC along with using satellite observation services can have significant outputs in extracting industries, identifying potential sources of alternative energy sources, designing wind power parks and solar power plants, forecasting  wind and solar energy production, and monitoring of electricity facilities.

Deputy Chairman of “Azerkosmos” OJSC Rovshan Rustamov noted that they cooperate with various state agencies. He mentioned that the services offered by satellite can help in obtaining accurate information in many areas of energy sector, as well as in forecasting and planning.

After, the presentation on “Azerkomsos” satellite observation capabilities and prospects for using Azersky satellite imagery for energy purposes was provided to the participants.

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