During 2019, 686 cases of administrative violations were reviewed at the Ministry of Energy. 626 of them were connected to natural gas and 60 to electricity.

It was decided to impose administrative penalty on 322 cases, and to terminate administrative proceedings on 229 cases. Articles submitted on 135 cases related to natural gas, which are not properly compiled, have been sent back.

As a result of inspections carried out by the Ministry in Guba, Agsu, Salyan,  Lankaran, Beylagan,  Kurdamir, Shamkir, Gadabay, Neftchala, Gobustan, Jalilabad, Shamakhi, Balakan, Zaqatala and other regions, due to spoilage of natural gas on the relevant articles of the Code of the Azerbaijan Republic on Administrative Violations it was decided to impose administrative penalty on 263 cases for minor damage, administrative violation of the rules of natural gas use, and distortion or delay in submission of accounting and reporting on electricity generation, transmission and consumption. A decision was made to terminate administrative proceedings on 228 cases.

According to the inspections carried out in Baku, Sumgayit, Imishli, Agjabadi, Goranboy, Ismayilli, Gobustan, Jalilabad, Shamakhi, Gabala, Gakh, Mingachevir, Ujar, Agdash, Gazakh and other regions during the year, as a result of spoilage of natural gas it was decided to impose administrative penalty on 59 cases for minor damage, administrative violation of the rules of natural gas use, distortion or delay in submission of accounting and reporting on electricity generation, transmission and consumption, illegal interruption of electric power lines or termination of electricity supply without the written notification in cases where the legislation requires to send written notification to the consumer, and to terminate administrative proceedings on 1 case.

During the period, all decisions were placed in the "ASAN Payment" system.  

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