The Ministry of Energy held a meeting on the status of the actions towards the strategic goal of the establishment of a sustainable and reliable heat supply infrastructure of the Strategic Road Map on the development of utility services (electricity and heating power, water and gas) in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

At the meeting, a report was presented on the activities implemented aiming at the enlargement and improvement of the optimal heat supply system in the country by taking the geographical, social and economic features into account. The report which had been drawn up on the basis of the analyses performed and studies carried out provided the current status of the heat supply system, main technical, economic and financial indicators, opportunities for the use of the alternative and renewable energy sources for the heating purposes, losses at the regional heat supply system and recommendations for reducing such losses.

It was mentioned that the recommendations set out the steps to be taken to restore the district heat supply systems in Baku and regions of the republic, reconstruct the low distribution and neighbourhood heating systems in the residential houses and social facilities, modernize the existing boiler houses and develop a new heating source. The assessment of the opportunities for the use of the alternative and renewable energy sources of the heating purposes was highly appreciated. It was noted that for the determination of the regulations for the production, transmission, distribution and sales of the heating power to provide the heating and warm water services, and the adjustment of the mutual relations between the heat supply facility and consumer the Rules for the use of the heating power were prepared and was waiting for the approval by the concerned entities.

The meeting was attended by the representatives from the Ministry of Economy, Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication, Azeristiliktechizat OJSC, Energy Regulatory Agency and State Agency on Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources.

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