In the first half of 2019 the Energy Regulatory Agency under the Ministry of Energy conducted 1004 investigations in the electricity and gas supply networks of consumers financed by the budget. 542 technical investigations were carried out among consumers, who are financed by the budget, related to technical operation of electrical installations, observance of the safety rules and the status of the use of electricity.

At the same time, investigations were carried out in 462 entreprises to investigate the status of ensuring of the efficient use of gas in the budget-financed enterprises and the safe operation of gas facilities, as well as the status of observance of the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the requirements of the "Rules on the Use of Gas" and other normative legal acts on the relevant field.

Relevant acts have been drawn up for violations found during the investigations and appropriate instructions were given to remove the shortcomings.

Also, the Agency found out that 26 objects were connected to electrical networks without technical documentation, violating the requirements of "Rules on the Use of Electricity" of electrical installations and equipment. There were 12 cases of illegal connection to the gas distribution network. Energy suppliers and gas distributors were instructed were instructed to take measures related to illegal connection to electricity and gas networks, including the termination of electricity and gas supply to such enterprises.

It should be noted that preparation of protocols under Article 279, 280, 281.1, 281.2, 282.1 and 282.2 of the Code of the Azerbaijan Republic on administrative violations was entrusted to the Energy Regulatory Agency. During the first half of the year, 24 protocols for violation of electric power supply and 30 of gas supply under relevant Articles of the Code of the Azerbaijan Republic on administrative violations were prepared.  

Moreover, during this period, the technical condition of 56 electric meters was checked, the schemes and modules of current transformers were checked and sealed, the automatic meter was performed  with the participation of the representatives of “Azerenergy” OJSC, “Azerishiq” OJSC.    

At the same time, on the basis of consumers' appeals, 491 electrotechnical staff in 82 enterprises have been checked for knowledge of labor safety, technical operation and fire safety.

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