The next Board Meeting on the conclusions of the year was held under the chairmanship of Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov, with the participation of Board members, structural units and agencies of the Ministry.

Making an opening speech, the chairman of the board spoke about the measures taken by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, on the implementation of the tasks and duties set forth in the relevant field. In the "Socio-economic Development Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2022─2026" approved by the decree of the Head of the State, it was stated that important measures are planned for all aspects of the field of energy, and the implementation of these measures was touched upon.

Then, in accordance with the agenda of the meeting, the speeches were made by the representatives from the relevant structural units of the Ministry, AREA, AERA. The measures implemented within the framework of the existing legislative acts, ordinances of the Ministry and other normative legal acts in the field were reviewed, the results and the next steps were discussed.

At the meeting, the project “Work Plan of the Board of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2023” was also reviewed, taking into account the opinions and proposals on the project, a decision was made to approve the work plan.

At the end of the meeting, the chairman of the Board gave relevant instructions on the steps to be taken on the issues discussed, the upcoming tasks in the next year and the effective implementation of these tasks.


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