The next board meeting was held at the Ministry of Energy. At the meeting the results achieved in the field of renewable energy in the country, expanding the use of existing potential in this field by taking into account the experience of advanced countries, the upcoming tasks, as well as the work done by the ministry and upcoming events for the first half of 2019 were discussed.

Speaking about the fundamental reforms in the energy sector, the chairman of the board, the Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov brought to the attetion the diversification of the portfolio of electric power generation through renewable energy sources in strategic documents adopted for the development of the energy sector, identification of main tasks for attracting private investment in the sector. It was noted that the relevant measures are being taken to fulfill the tasks outlined by the Presidential Decree No. 1209 dated May 29, 2019 "On the acceleration of reforms in the energy sector of the Republic of Azerbaijan". The law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "Use of Renewable Energy Sources in Electricity Generation" has already been drafted  and is in the process of approval with the relevant government agencies. Proposals for incentivising renewable energy sources, creating a favorable investment climate in this area and supporting private entrepreneurship are expected to be submitted soon.

A report on the current situation in the field of the use of renewable energy sources in the country was heard at the meeting. Measures taken on development of the renewable energy generation capacity and of a regulatory base which regulates the relevant field, ensuring accessibility for investment in the field, identification of incentive mechanisms, implementation of pilot projects, strengthening cooperation with international companies were brought to the attetion.

The report on the results of the first half of 2019 was also heard at the board meeting. The work to be done on implementation discipline, permitting, administrative violations, reception of citizens and review of applications, as well as execution of tasks arising from the Decrees and Orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan were also reviewed. 

At the end, the Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov gave relevant instructions to structural units of the ministry to ensure timely implementation of the work to be done and upcoming tasks in the second half of 2019.

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