The roundtable discussion was held on "International Energy Cooperation for Peace" dedicated to "September 21 - International Day of Peace" at the Ministry of Energy with the participation of representatives of the Administration of  the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Energy Regulatory Agency.  

The Head of Human Resources and Civil Service Department of the Ministry Asad Ismayilov and the Head of Legal Enlightenment Sector of the Ombudsman Mugalib Mahmudov made a speech on the history of the “International Day of Peace”, underlining  the importance of celebrating that day. It was noted that on the initiative of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) Elmira Suleymanova, "Peace Month" is being held from 21 August to 21 September, and  the purpose of this event is to perform enlightenment aimed at protecting human rights, preventing wars and violence, ensuring freedom and peace. 

At the event, the Deputy Head of the Department of Oil and Gas Policy Otel Huseynov gave a presentation on "International Energy Cooperation for Peace", referring to Azerbaijan's energy policy. Detailed information was provided on the history of Azerbaijan's oil and natural gas, foreign investment in the oil sector, oil and gas extraction, oil and gas export pipelines providing free and fast access of Azerbaijani oil and gas to the world market, and the importance of Azerbaijan as a transit country for a number of energy projects to ensure peace and security in the world was underlined.

In the end, the importance of the “Southern Gas Corridor” project, which was implemented in the framework of Azerbaijan's cooperation with foreign countries and large international companies, on Europe's energy security, as well as on ensuring peace in the region were noted, and a video - presentation on the “Southern Gas Corridor” project was demonstrated.

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