The process of establishing a Public Council to ensure the participation of citizens and civil society institutions in the adoption of legal acts on the activity directions of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan and in organization of public control over the activities of the Ministry has begun.
In accordance with the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On public involvement“, and "Regulations on the selection of the Public Council by civil society institutions" approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 171 dated 30 may 2014 on the implementation of the relevant article of this law, the process of nominating candidates for membership of the Public Council under the Ministry will begin 26 January 2021. The process of nominating and registering candidates will be completed within 20 working days, that is, on February 22nd. 
The number of members of the Public Council set the limit of 7 people. Each civil society institution operating in the relevant field can nominate only one candidate for membership in the Public Council. 
Civil society institutions wishing to apply are asked to submit the following documents about the candidate nominated to the membership of the Public Council:
-    Copy of the candidate's identity card;
-    Biography of the candidate;
-    If the candidate is a member of any civil society Institute, copy of the document confirming that membership;
-    A document proving that a person has experience or knowledge in the relevant field (a copy of employment record book, in the case of the absence of employment record book, other documents that will confirm the information).
In addition to the required documents, other documents can be submitted by the Civil Society Institute providing comprehensive information about the candidate. 
The registration of the person nominated for the Public Council will be envisaged by the Election Committee within three working days and the relevant decision will be made. Elections to the Public Council will be held within one month after the nomination of candidates and the registration process is completed. 
Information required to nominate candidates for the membership of the Public Council  can be submitted via email
Contact person: Tarana Gozalova, Leading Adviser of the Department of Internal Control of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Member of the Election Committee established for the purpose of organizing elections to the Public Council (+99412 598-16-53 (ext.1013); +99455 440-42-45;

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