The Minister of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Parviz Shahbazov will receive citizens in Tovuz city on September 27. Reception will take place at the administrative building of the Tovuz branch of the Energy Regulatory Agency under the Ministry of Energy (address: Duz Jirdakhan, Tovuz city) at 11:00.

On the same day, Deputy Minister of Energy Samir Valiyev will meet with residents of Gazakh and Agstafa districts in Gazakh city. Reception of citizens will take place at 11:00 at the Youth Centre in Gazakh (address: Heydar Aliyev Park, Gazakh city).

Deputy Minister of Energy Elnur Soltanov will meet with local residents in Shamkir city. Reception of citizens will take place at 13:00 at the Youth Centre in Shamkir (address: Flag Square, Shamkir city).

Citizens willing to attend can register through the e-mail address of the Ministry of Energy, telephone number: 598-16-53 / 54 (ext. 1145, 1146, 1147) (contact person: Azer Rzayev), call center of Ministry: "974", Hot Line: 598-16-55, as well as Tovuz branch of the Energy Regulatory Agency (contact person: Punhan Gurbanov, contact numbers: (070) 590-00-09, e-mail address:

Citizens can also register through the “Reception Center” section at and the Facebook page of Ministry. 

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