On October 1, the next meeting of the Working Group on connection to power supply networks of the Commission on Business Environment and International Rankings was held in video conference format.

The head of the Working Group, Deputy Minister of Energy Samir Valiyev made an opening speech and provided information about the agenda of the meeting. According to the agenda, the implementation status of the measures decided in the protocol of the last meeting of the Working Group was reviewed, and it was noted that the results of the surveys conducted among entrepreneurs in the I, II and III quarters of the current year on the reforms carried out in the field of connection to the power supply network were analyzed. The proposals on the questions to be addressed to entrepreneurs during the survey to be held in 2022 were discussed.

At the meeting, discussions were held on the project of Communication Strategy for Connection to the Power Supply network. Taking into account the proposals made, the consultant company was instructed to improve the draft in a short time and send it back to the Working Group members. At the same time, the necessity of presenting the Communication Strategy to the general public after its adoption was underlined.  According to the decision made by the Working Group at the previous meeting, it was noted that the 11-month statistical data on applications for online connection to the power supply network will be shared with the public on the first ten days of December.

Then, the results of the monitoring conducted on the implementation of the Action Plan of the Working Group for 2021 were listened, and discussions were held on the final draft of the Action Plan for 2022 prepared by taking into account the experience gained during the implementation of the previous action plans.

The representatives from the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Economy, Small and Medium Business Development Agency, Azerishig OJSC, Azerenergy OJSC, State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations, Deloitte and Ekvita took part

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