On March4, the next meeting of the Working Group on connection to power supply networks of the Commission on Business Environment and International Rankings was held in video conference format.
The head of the Working Group, Deputy Minister of Energy Samir Valiyev spoke about the measures envisaged in the Action Plan of the Working Group for 2021, their implementation status.
Acting director of “Innovation Center” LLC under the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations, Vusal Rustamov made a presentation reflecting the relevant proposals on the implementation of improvements in the system in accordance with the diagnostic results carried out for the consideration of the functionality of the Electronic Appeals Management System (EAMS).
Deputy Chairman of Azerishig OJSC Ramil Yusifov spoke about the work done in connection with the measures envisaged in the Action Plan. Then, a presentation on the development measures at EAMS on the elimination of shortcomings identified as a result of diagnostics was made. Information was given about the work done on connection to power supply networks,as well as the meetings held with representatives of entrepreneurs, public associations/business associations and law/consulting companies in order to discuss the current problems and improvement opportunities in this field. 
Emin Abdullayev, the representative of Small and Medium Business Development Agency noted that the relevant measures was taken in connection with the survey among business entities in accordance with the plan. Vusal Shikhaliyev, the Head of the Secretariat of the Commission on Business Environment and International Rankings, the representative of Department of Economic Policy and Industrial Issues of Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan shared his views on the work done on the relevant items of the Action Plan and the upcoming tasks. 
At the meeting, it was decided to expand propaganda about the benefits of EAMS for entrepreneurs, as well as to prepare proposals on possible adjustments to the legislation related toconnection to power supply networks and to make a presentation at the next meeting of the Working Group in this regard.

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