Under the chairmanship of Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov, the next meeting of the Working Group on coordination and monitoring regarding the application of green technologies and energy efficiency requirements in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held.

At the meeting, the works carried out in the direction of the implementation of the "Action Plan on the establishment of a "green zone" in the territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan liberated from occupation in 2022-2026" approved by the Order No. 357s of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 21 June 2022 were discussed. It was noted that important tasks in this regard were determined in the "I State Program on the Great Return to the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan", approved by the Order of the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 2022, 16 No. 3587.

The report of the Secretariat of the Working Group on the work done in the period after the first meeting of the Working Group was heard. Information was provided on the organization of activities aimed at the implementation of the tasks set for the establishment of the green energy zone in the liberated territories in the “Action Plan on the establishment of the green energy zone in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2022-2026“. The importance of holding regular meetings of the sub-working group formed within the Working Group and meetings on thematic events related to the activities of the sub-working group was emphasized.

During the discussions, it was proposed to involve the Karabakh Revival Fund in the implementation of the Action Plan for the establishment of the green energy zone.

At the meeting, the monitoring plan on the implementation of the “Action Plan for the establishment of the green energy zone in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2022-2026” was approved and in accordance with the Monitoring Plan, the Secretariat, together with the relevant bodies, adopted relevant decisions on monitoring compliance with the application of green technologies and energy efficiency

It should be noted that at the meeting, along with the state bodies included in the Working Group, the special representation of the president in the liberated territories of the Karabakh economic region (with the exception of Shusha region), Representatives of the Special Office of the president on Zangilan District, Social Development Fund of Internally Displaced Persons, Restoration, Construction and Management Service in Karabakh Economic Region public legal entity, Restoration, Construction and Management Service No. 1 in East Zangazur Economic Region public legal entity also attended the event.


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