On February 4, following the 8th Ministerial Meeting of the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council, a joint press conference was held in Baku with the participation of the Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan Parviz Shahbazov and European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson.

Noting that the Southern Gas Corridor is functioning with great success, Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov said that the Advisory Council has achieved its mission to supply natural gas to Europe through a huge corridor from a new source.  It was noted that the direction of the Southern Gas Corridor to new markets was discussed and discussions were held for two sessions. At the first session, the issues of the Southern Gas Corridor's access to new markets, including the Balkan countries and the South-Eastern countries were discussed, and activities in this direction will be carried out in the coming periods. The second session was devoted to important issues for Azerbaijan and European countries in general. "These are issues of energy transition, renewable energy sources, expansion of the Southern Gas Corridor and decarbonization. Taking into account the successful activity of the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council and the fact that it is a very productive international platform, we will continue to discuss not only the expansion of the Southern Gas Corridor, but also the above - mentioned issues within this format,” the minister added.

European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson emphasized that Azerbaijan is a successful partner in the field of energy. He noted that the South Gas Corridor is an important contribution to the countries of South-Eastern Europe. Currently, the energy market is experiencing instability and price increases. In the near future, it is planned to expand the possibilities of this pipeline. In particular, discussions are being held on the expansion of the corridor to the Western Balkan. Ms. Kadri Simson added that market expectations are being studied and as a result of these studies the expansion of the Southern Gas Corridor can be carried out. "We want to reach the volume of natural gas sold from Azerbaijan to Europe to 10 billion cubic meters. To do this, we must achieve the provision of safe supply. As the last segment of the Southern Gas Corridor, TAP, which provides Europe's reliable access to a new source of natural gas and is of strategic importance, plays an important role in strengthening Europe's energy security, diversification of supplies, and serves decarbonization purposes.”

K.Simson also said that certain work will be done on decarbonization. "We will take steps to reduce methane emissions by using traditional energy sources. We know that Azerbaijan is a country rich in renewable energy sources and we are ready to support Azerbaijan in this area. I can say with confidence that I am satisfied with the discussions we have held with Azerbaijan in this direction," he said.

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