The first meeting was held on the launch of a pilot project on the floating solar energy depelopment with a total capacity of 100 kW on Boyukshor Lake. At the meeting, the winner of the procurement competition on the project “Gamma Solutions " Company presented the working principles related to the project, the staff mobilized, the schedule of the project execution, and discussions were held for the work to be done. 
Representatives of the Ministry of Energy, “Tamiz Shahar” OJSC, Asian Development Bank and the consultant company attend at the meeting.  
Please note that Gamma Solutions was selected through the procurement competition for the engineering, procurement, construction, two years of operation and maintenance of the floating solar station. Not only international companies but also local companies took part in the competition. The procurement was carried out by the consultant company "EGO-NIXUS", and as a result of the evaluation of the proposals received for the project, the international company Gamma Solutions was declared the winner of the procurement tender and a contract was signed with the company. It is planned to build the station in cooperation with local companies.
It should be noted that the project is implemented within the framework of the regional project Floating Solar Energy Development Systems covering Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan, implemented under the Knowledge and Support Technical Assistance Program of the Asian Development Bank.

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