The 1st Azerbaijan-Türkiye Energy Forum was co-chaired by Azerbaijani Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov and Energy and Natural Resources Minister of Türkiye Fatih Donmez. The two-day forum was organized within the framework of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation between Azerbaijan and Türkiye to further strengthen strategic energy cooperation.

The forum was preceded by a bilateral meeting between the co-chairs. The meeting focused on the strengthening relations between the two countries and the prospects for developing cooperation in the energy sector.

In his opening speech at the forum, Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov praised the 1st Azerbaijan-Türkiye Energy Forum as a platform to support the rise of Azerbaijan-Türkiye relations to the level of alliance also in the field of energy. It was noted that the Azerbaijani-Türkiye union, which ensures security, development and progress, is a leading factor in new geopolitical realities and development processes in the region under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Drawing attention to energy cooperation between the two countries, the minister said: "From July 2018 to December this year, 13.6 billion cubic meters of natural gas was transported to brother Türkiye through TANAP. TANAP accounted for 5.1 billion cubic meters of 7.7 billion cubic meters of natural gas transported to Türkiye in the first 11 months of this year.

In total, more than 85 billion cubic meters of natural gas from the Shah Deniz field have been supplied to the Türkiye gas market since 2007. During the speech, the investment activity of our country in Türkiye was highlighted on the example of projects such as STAR Oil Refinery and Petkim: "Azerbaijan's investment in Türkiye is more than $19 billion. As President Ilham Aliyev said, this scope of funding and  investment can be made only in the brother country.

In his speech, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Türkiye Fatih Donmez said that the eternal fraternal relations between Azerbaijan and Türkiye are developing due to the fact that our peoples have the same ancestry and mutual ties. Highlighting the victory of our country in the Patriotic War, the Minister said: "As part of the 'Green Energy Concept' planned to be implemented in the liberated territories, we will continue to stand by Azerbaijan with both our public and private sectors. In this way, we will continue to work in coordination with Azerbaijan, both to establish lasting peace in the region and to rebuild the liberated areas. I believe that the transfer of many successful experiences of our joint cooperation in the hydrocarbon industry to the renewable energy sector will give a new stimulus to our relations."

Deputy Minister of Economy Rovshan Najaf, President of the SOCAR Rovnag Abdullayev, President of “Azerenergy” OJSC Baba Rzayev, Head of the Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency under the Ministry of Energy Tabriz Ammayev, TPAO Director General Melih Han Bilgin, Director General of the Türkiye Electricity Transmission Company Orhan Kaldirim and Chairman of the Energy Council of the Türkiye Foreign Economic Relations Council (DEIK) Haluk Kalyoncu also made speeches at the forum. Information was provided on the work done to develop cooperation in relevant fields, the planned measures, and the results of the first meetings of the working groups held before the Forum were discussed.

At the end of the event, 6 documents were signed between Azerbaijan and Türkiye. The Minister of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Parviz Shahbazov and the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Türkiye Fatih Donmez signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Türkiye on natural gas supply and the Protocol of the 1st Azerbaijan-Türkiye Energy Forum.

In addition, at the forum, agreement between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Türkiye on cooperation in the field of mining, Memorandum of Understanding on the implementation of cooperation between the State Agency for the Use of Mineral Resources of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, AzerGold Closed Joint-Stock Company and General Directorate of Mineral Research and  Exploration of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, MTA International Company, Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation on ground science  between the National Geological Survey Service of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Türkiye, and the Memorandum of Understanding were signed between Azerenergy OJSC and Türkiye Electric Transmission Joint Stock Company (TEIAS).

After the signing ceremony, a briefing was held for media representatives.

It should be noted that the 1st Energy Forum aims to expand existing energy cooperation between Azerbaijan and Türkiye, assess new opportunities for cooperation and implement them through specific projects.

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