
The existing "Electronic Services" (www.e-xidmet.minenergy.gov.az) portal of the Ministry of Energy has been revised and put into operation in 2018. During this period, four services implemented by the ministry have been fully digitalized and placed on the Ministry's "Electronic Services" portal. These services are as follows: "Acceptance of applications and documents for export, import, re-export, re-import and transit of goods (works, services, results of intellectual activities), subject to export control and authority of the Ministry of Energy"; "Acceptance of applications and documents for the purpose of issuing of the certificate on application of special economic regime for contractors and subcontractors in the oil and gas activities"; "Acceptance of applications and documents for obtaining a permit for extraction and processing of natural gas, oil & oil products" and "Acceptance of applications and documents for obtaining a permit for operation of an industrial gas plant"

Payment of penalties using services provided by "Payment of penalties for violation of gas consumption rules via internet" and "Payment of penalties for violation of the rules of energy use" portal was transferred to www.asanpay.az.

During the reporting period, 11 permits issued by the Ministry of Energy were included in the "State Services" portal (www.dxr.az). All permits, including abovementioed ones, issued by the Ministry (17 permits) were placed on the "State Services" portal. A link to “Electronic Services” portal of the ministry was provided from the following services: "Issuance of special permit for export, import, re-export, re-import and transit of goods (works, services, results of intellectual activities), subject to export control and authority of the Ministry of Energy"; "Permit for gas production and natural gas processing", "Permit for use of industrial gas equipment”; “Permit for processing of oil and oil products", "Issuance of special economic regime to contractors and subcontractors for export-oriented oil and gas activities".

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