The Board Meeting was held under the chairmanship of Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov. The members of the Board, representatives from the structural units of the Ministry and agencies under the Ministry attended at the event organized in a hybrid format.

In his speech, the Chairman of the Board noted the tasks facing the Ministry of Energy in accordance with the policy established by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev, and stressed the importance of timely and efficient execution of the tasks. Then the agenda of the meeting was announced and speakers are given the floor for their reports.

In accordance with the agenda, a detailed presentation was made on the implementation status of the tasks arising from the relevant regulatory legal act on the preparation, approval and control over the implementation of the energy mix. Information on the collection, processing and generalization of information on the energy mix, as well as coordination measures taken to improve the mechanisms of mutual cooperation with the relevant authorities was provided.

The report on the status of executive discipline and consideration of citizens' appeals during 2024 was heard in the Ministry, and the measures taken in the field of work with documents and control mechanisms were analyzed in detail. The level of implementation of the tasks arising from the relevant Decrees and Orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as on the work plan of the Ministry was reviewed.

At the end of the meeting, the Chairman of the Board gave relevant instructions on the issues discussed.



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