Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov spoke at the inaugural ministerial meeting of the World Fusion Energy Group (WFEG) in Rome, Italy.

In the speech, it was noted that nuclear energy plays an important role in the global energy transition as a source of clean, stable and long-term energy with high efficiency, minimal resource generation and low carbon emissions. At present, strengthening safety standards, proper management of radioactive waste, financial support and increasing people's trust in this type of energy have been highlighted as necessary challenges for the development of nuclear energy. The importance of the global efforts of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the safe, peacekeeping and sustainable use of nuclear energy, as well as the Atoms4NetZero initiative aimed at increasing the role of this type of energy in the global energy transition along with renewable energy sources, was mentioned.

It was noted that Azerbaijan, a reliable partner in the security of energy supply, is currently implementing mega-projects that will enable the share of renewable energy in electricity generation capacity to reach 35.5 percent and greenhouse gas emissions to decrease by 2.8 million tons by 2030. At the same time, the contribution of our country to the green energy transition on a large scale with the creation of green energy corridors stretching from the Caspian Sea and Central Asia to Europe was brought to the attention. The Minister said that the priorities of the COP29 presidency, which are confirmation of Azerbaijan's commitment to the goal of a country of green growth, the commitment to renew national goals within the framework of green energy initiatives and nationally defined contributions (NDC), bring to the fore the importance of using all sources of clean energy: "In this regard, we believe that nuclear power, including Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) can become an element supporting the energy transition in our long-term energy strategy. Azerbaijan is ready to cooperate with IAEA for the introduction of new technologies in the energy sector, adhering to its international commitments and adopting best practices in this area.”

It was also noted that the Country Programme Framework for 2024-2029 for Azerbaijan will make an important contribution to the development of cooperation with the agency in the field of nuclear technologies and the energy sector. It was also noted that Azerbaijan adheres to the principle of peaceful nuclear use and will pay special attention to COP28, and after the Nuclear Energy Summit, COP29 to be a platform that emphasizes and promotes the importance of nuclear energy in the fight against climate change.

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