On 29 May, the next meeting of the Working Group on connection to power supply networks of the Commission on Business Environment and International Rankings was held.

The Head of the Working Group, the Deputy Energy Minister Samir Valiyev noted the increase of the power limit of 150 kW to 200 kW for the purchase of electricity for existing or to be built construction objects in relevant normative legal acts as one of the results of activity of the Commission and the Working Group.

Vusal Shikhaliyev, the Head of the Secretariat of the Commission, emphasized the expansion of the scope of the simplified procedure for connecting to the Power Grid (2 procedures within 20 days) since the beginning of this year, and said that this economic initiative creates wide and profitable opportunities for the business environment. It was emphasized that the working group for connection to electricity supply grids plays an important role in the preparation and implementation of new initiatives in the relevant field.

Deputy chairman of Azerishig OJSC Ramil Yusifov spoke about simplification of the procedures for connecting business entities to the electricity network, reduction of the connection time, the work done by the Joint-Stock Company in the direction of informing and raising awareness in the relevant field, the priorities ahead.

In the meeting, information was given on the work done on the Road Map for 2024 regarding the implementation of improvements and communication in the relevant field related to the utility services (electricity) indicator of the World Bank's Business Ready report, and the measures to be implemented were discussed.

Favorable opportunities created as a result of economic reforms on connection to the electricity grid were also brought to the attention. It was noted that as a result of the change, the procedure for connecting existing or to be built construction facilities to the network or receiving additional energy (power) has been simplified, that is, the entrepreneur (subscriber) can more accurately and transparently set his business costs and timing.

The report on the results of the implementation of the communication strategy for connecting to the energy supply network of Azerishig OJSC was heard. It was reported that the connection of construction objects to the grid based on the request of the entrepreneur (subscriber) through the azerishiq.az website and the Electronic Government Portal (E-Gov), as well as through small and medium business houses, ASAN Kommunal Centers or ASAN Service Centers and or purchase of additional energy (power) is carried out within 20 days according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 399, dated 3 November 2023. In this case, the fee for connection to the electricity grid is determined according to the resolution of the Tariff Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan №4 dated 3 May 2024. As a logical result of the implemented measures, it is aimed to increase the satisfaction of citizens with the services provided in the relevant field, to improve entrepreneurial activity, at the same time to create a favorable business and investment climate, to further strengthen the positions of our republic on a global scale.

The Ministries of Energy, Economy, Digital Development and Transport, Internal Affairs, State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture, Azerishig OJSC, State Agency of Azerbaijan Automobile Roads, Small and Medium Business Development Agency and Energy Regulatory Agency, as well as responsible persons directly involved in the implementation of the road map will participate.

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