The next meeting of the "green energy space" working group was held in a hybrid form regarding the discussion of the draft annual report prepared on the implementation of Socio-Economic Development Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2022-2026 for 2023.

At the meeting, the chairman of the Working Group, Deputy Energy Minister Elnur Soltanov provided general information on the activities of the Working Group and brought to the attention the issues on the agenda of the meeting.

Deputy Chairman of the Working Group, Deputy Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication Ramil Huseyn presented the report and noted the achievements and challenges achieved within the framework of the activity.

At the meeting, the implementation status of relevant measures within the activities, indicators and evisaged goals for the purpose of “green energy space” in the strategy document. The steps taken in the fields of natural gas and electricity supply, developing a regulatory environment in the energy sector, improving the public‒private partnership in the field of heat supply, investigating offshore wind power potential, expanding the opportunities for geothermal and bioenergy use, developing Information System on green energy sources, integrating new generation capacities into the energy system, use of environmentally friendly vehicles, hydrogen production, ensuring the energy efficiency and other directions were discussed.

The opinions of the members of the Working Group on the report were heard, recommendations were developed for consideration during the preparation of the next reports. The strategy document defines the measures to be implemented in the current year and the tasks for their effective solution.

In addition to the Ministry of Energy and CAERC, the Green Energy Space Working Group included representatives of the Ministries of Economy, Ecology and Natural Resources, Agriculture, Digital Development and Transport, Finance, Emergency Situations, SOCAR, Central Bank, Azerbaijan Investment Holding, State Statistics Committee, State Urban Planning and Architecture Committee, State Customs Committee, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Azersu, Melioration and Water Management, Azerenergy, Azerishig, Azeristiliktehizat OJSCs.

It should be noted that by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 12 June 2023, 8 Working Groups were established in order to ensure the full, timely and effective implementation of the measures provided for in the Socio-Economic Development Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2022-2026 and to coordinate the activities of the concerned public authorities. In this regard, the Green Energy Space Working Group ensures that Green Energy Space goal is met and the activities of the concerned public authorities are coordinated.

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