Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov has met with EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson within his visit to the UAE to participate in the events organized as part of the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28).

At the meeting, issues related to the expansion of the Southern Gas Corridor, the implementation of the Ring of Solidarity Initiative and the Caspian-Black Sea-Europe Green Energy Corridor were discussed.

Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov reviewed existing gas projects and countries working in the gas supply sphere from Azerbaijan, as well as the active "Absheron" gas condensate as a significant source of additional gas supplies to Europe. The Minister emphasized that transporting increased gas quantities necessitates the development of infrastructure and the negotiation of long-term gas contracts, highlighting the necessity of close coordination with the European Union in this regard.  The discussion also touched on the impending meeting of the Southern Gas Corridor Advisory Council.

Steps taken in the implementation of the green energy corridor project linking Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania, and Hungary were also taken into account. It was mentioned that a joint venture responsible for project implementation will be formed soon, and the project's technical-economic justification process is expected to be finished by the end of next year. Information was provided about the cooperation between Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan on the transport of electricity from Central Asia via this corridor. The future importance of the green energy corridor's growth and transportation of renewable energy sources through this enormous infrastructure to energy security by diversifying Europe's energy supply was stressed.

The summit also discussed other issues of Azerbaijan and the EU's energy conversation, reaching an agreement to update the roadmap for the realization of the Strategic Energy Partnership document.

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