The event was held at the Ministry of Energy on the occasion of 23 June - Professional holiday of civil servants. Head of Administration of the Ministry of Energy Zaur Mammadov congratulated civil servants on this remarkable day and wished them success in their work. Responsible activities of civil servants playing an important role in the management system of our country, their contribution to the strengthening and development of our statehood were mentioned. The goal and duties set, social protection of civil servants, measures taken to increase the interest of young people in this field, and transparency of civil service admission were reported according to the "Strategy for the development of the civil service in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2025" adopted for the purpose of consecutively implemented reforms in the field of civil service, improvement of normative legal acts in this field, development of the potential of civil servants and increasing the efficiency of the activities of public institutions.

Later, other employees of the Ministry spoke and wished success to their colleagues and shared their experience in this field.

It should be noted that according to the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev dated 5 May 2006, June 23 is celebrated as the day of professional holiday of civil servants in our country.

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