Azerbaijani Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov took part in the Ministerial Meeting of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) in Doha, Qatar. In his speech, the Minister spoke about the factors contributing to the current instability in the global gas sector. The Minister noted that a world dominated by one type of energy is both unreal and unstable, and a strict rejection of natural gas, only focused on environmental security, creates risks for energy security. It was stated that the fight against climate change is important, but also the cost of energy and the security of its supply. Despite the volatility of quotations, natural gas will continue to be a reliable source for electricity generation and balancing energy systems. Stressing that natural gas is a bridge towards the goal of climate neutrality, the Minister of Energy emphasized the importance of the necessary support for this type of energy for price stability.

The role of the Southern Gas Corridor in turning Azerbaijan into a reliable energy supplier both in the region and on the European continent was also touched upon: "Taking into account requirements of both energy security and ecological security the Southern Gas Corridor is accepted as one of the perspective priorities in energy supply of more countries and great interest is expressed to its development. Currently most of our daily gas export falls on share of European market. European producers are supplied daily nearly 27 mln. cubic meters of Azerbaijani gas,” the minister noted. Since commissioning, 14.8 billion cubic meters of gas have been exported to Turkey via TANAP and 9.4 billion cubic meters to Europe via TAP.”

It was also informed about the rich potential of Azerbaijan to provide itself and its partners with natural gas for a long time. 

It should be noted that on February 22, the VI summit of the heads of state and government of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) will be held.

It should be reminded that since 2015, Azerbaijan has been participating in the Gas Exporting Countries Forum as an observer.

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