A meeting was held between Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov and Jens Pinderup, Vice-President of Vestas, Denmark.

At the meeting, the sides exchanged views on the projects implemented in the field of renewable energy in Azerbaijan, green energy, prospects for the production and export of green hydrogen, as well as steps taken for the implementation of the Caspian-Black Sea-European Green Energy Corridor and Azerbaijan-Türkiye-Europe corridor. The importance of providing energy equipment in the rapid construction of wind-solar power plants implemented with foreign investors in achieving the goal of increasing the share of renewable energy in the production capacity of Azerbaijan's electricity to 30% by 2030, as well as exporting green energy in the amount of 4 GW to Europe at the initial stage was discussed. It was noted that the use of huge offshore wind power potential in Azerbaijan, especially the export orientation of this energy, makes the production of competitive wind turbines urgent. In this regard, the assessment of opportunities and support of Azerbaijan for cooperation with Vestas was expressed.   

Vice-president of Vestas Jens Pinderup spoke about the activities of the company with more than 40 years of experience in more than 80 countries. The company's proposals on several types of turbines were brought to attention and it was noted that Vestas is interested in cooperation with Azerbaijan.


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