On September 22, the next meeting of the Working Group on connection to power supply networks of the Commission on Business Environment and International Rankings was held in video conference format.

Deputy Minister of Energy, head of the Working Group Samir Valiyev declared the meeting open and presented the issues on the agenda. Head of the Secretariat of the Commission Vusal Shikhaliyev spoke about possible reforms in the field of legislation in accordance with the methodology of the B-Ready report of the World Bank.

At the meeting, a report on the state of implementation of measures to be finalized during the third quarter of the current year in the Road Map for 2022-2023 on the indicator of Connection to Utilities (power supply network) of the relevant report was heard.

The information on the work done in connection with the response to the request on the indicator of Connection to Utilities (power supply network) and the implementation status of the tasks given at the previous meeting of the Working Group was given. The statistics of electronic applications for connection to the power supply network were reviewed, and discussions were held on the strategies for promoting electronic applications, as well as on the socialization of information in this area.

The meeting ended with fruitful discussions on other topics on the agenda of the meeting. The meeting was attended by representatives of the ministries of Energy and Economy, Small and Medium Business Development Agency, Azerenergy OJSC and Azerishiq OJSC, as well as other state organizations that are members of the Working Group

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