During his visit to Bucharest, Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov and Minister of Energy of Romania Sebastian Ioan Burduja held a meeting.

At the meeting, the importance of the mutual visits of the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Romania for cooperation between the two countries and the multifaceted and intensive development of relations in the field of energy were emphasized. The strategic importance of the development plans related to the Caspian Sea - European Union Green Energy Corridor for the Azerbaijan-Romania energy partnership was once again noted. The importance of the rapid implementation of the work envisaged by the Memorandum signed within the establishment of the green energy corridor was emphasized.

At the same time, discussions were held within the contracts on natural gas, and the importance of regular relations between Romgaz and SOCAR in this direction was noted. From the opposite side, it was noted that SOCAR's activities in Romania are highly appreciated, and the development of this activity is important from the point of view of market competitiveness and energy security.

A number of other issues arising from bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the energy sector were also reviewed at the meeting.

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