A webinar on Anti-corruption legislation and its application in practice was held by the Constitutional Research Foundation at the Ministry of Energy.

The training was organized in accordance with the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on approval of the National Action Plan for Strengthening the Fight against Corruption for 2022-2026 in order to ensure the continuity of the work done in the fight against corruption.

The importance of measures to prevent and combat corruption was discussed at the training. The trainer, President of the Constitution Research Foundation, Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alimammad Nuriyev made a presentation on corruption-related offenses and responsibility for these offenses. Detailed information was provided on the concept of corruption, legislation on strengthening the struggle in this area, circumstances and prevention of corruption, corruption crimes and their consequences, and information on subjects of corruption offenses, consideration of appeals on offenses, persons providing information related to the case, prevention and elimination of the consequences of conflicts of interest, non-allowing close relatives to work together, etc. were brought to attention.

At the webinar, in which 24 employees of the Ministry of Energy, the state agency for AERA under the ministry and AREA subordinate to the Ministry attented, views were exchanged on the topic, questions were answered.

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