The Department of Oil and Gas Policy of the Ministry of Energy of Republic of Azerbaijan



1.General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation defines the areas of activities, duties, rights and rules for organizing the activities of the Oil and Gas Policy Department (hereinafter referred to as the Department) of the Ministry of Energy of Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry).

1.2. The Department is an independent structural unit of the Ministry’s Administration. The Department is the structural unit of the Ministry’s Administration participating in implementation and regulation of state policy in oil and gas and petro-chemistry (hereinafter referred to as the relevant area) within the authoritiesestablished by this Regulation.

1.3.The activities of the Departmentare guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Civil Service" and other laws, decrees and executive orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, "Regulations of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan", decisions of the Ministerial Board, orders and ordinances of the Ministry of Energy of Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry's Legal Acts) and this Regulation.

1.4.The Department operates in collaboration with the structural units and divisions of the Ministry (hereinafter referred to as the structural units of the Ministry), subordinate organizations to the Ministry, state-ownedenterprisesoperating in the relevant area, as well as central and local executive authoritiesand non-governmental organizations while performing its duties and exercising its rights.


2. Areas of the Department’s activities

2.0. The Department's areas of activities are as follows:

2.0.1. Participate in taking measures for development of state policy in the relevant area and ensure the implementation of this policy;

2.0.2. Participate in preparation of measures in energy security of the relevant area and takemeasuresto ensure itsimplementation;

2.0.3. Participate in preparation of measures in resourcesaving and efficient use of such resourcesin the relevant area and ensureitsimplementation;

2.0.4. Participate in taking measures for preparation and implementation of substantiated, comprehensive and integrated development strategy in the relevant area for reliable supply of the relevant area with resources;

2.0.5. Participate in exercising control over theusage of current and prospective balances of the relevant area, and of individual types of fuel and energy resources;

2.0.6. Make proposals to ensure the development of the relevant area;

2.0.7. Perform activities in other areas established by law.

3. Duties of the Department

3.0. The Department performs the following duties in accordance with the areas of activities established by this Regulation:

3.0.1. Participate in identification of areas for the prospective development trends of the relevant area, preparation and implementation of state programs, development concepts in accordance with the directions of activities defined by thisRegulation;

3.0.2. Represent the interests of the state in case and manner entrusted to the Ministry at government institutions operating in the relevant area;

3.0.3. Participate in preparation and implementation of measures for the supplyof the energy security of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the relevant area;

3.0.4. Prepare the projected production and consumption figures of individual utilities of the relevant area, submit these forecasts to theleadership and participate in activities taken in this area;

3.0.5. Prepare drafts of fuel – energy balance analysing relevant indicators of individual utilities of the relevant area presented for the purpose of developing fuel – energy balance of the Republic of Azerbaijan and submitthem to the leadership, and participate in activities taken for its implementation jointly with the relevant departments;

3.0.6. Provide comments regarding the state energyappraisal of expertise carried out in cases and manner established by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Utilization of Energy Resources”;

3.0.7. Participate in organisingthe preparation and implementation of state programs in the area of development of mineral – feedstock resources and geological investigation ofsubsoil resources in the relevant area;

3.0.8. Participate in taking measures for the full satisfaction of the needs of people and economy in collaboration with state organisations operating in the relevant area;

3.0.9. Participate in identification of consumption limitsof utilities of the relevant area in regard with the state enterprises;

3.0.10. Participate in approval of utilization, loss and technological consumption norms of energy resources of the relevant area for each year in the state enterprises operating in the relevant area;

3.0.11. Participate in preparation and implementation of resource-savingmeasures in the relevant area and provide efficient use of such resources;

3.0.12. Participate in government regulation of the activities of natural monopoly subjects operating in the relevant area in collaboration with the relevant departments;

3.0.13. Participate in preparation and implementation of development and improvement measures of the relevant area in collaboration with the relevant departments;

3.0.14. Participate in preparation and implementation of measures aimed for improving the competitiveness of the relevant area;

3.0.15. Participate in regulating the connection of utilityproducers of the relevant area to the transport- communication systems;

3.0.16. Participate in preparation of normative and technical legal act drafts in the relevant area;

3.0.17. Employees of the Department authorized to consider the cases on administrative offencesshall consider and make relevant decisions for the cases of administrative offenses considered by the Ministry in accordance with relevant articles of Administrative Offenses Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

3.0.18. Participate in coordination of inter-organisational activities of the state enterprises operating in the relevant area;

3.0.19. Participate in preparation of international agreements on cooperation in the relevant area, ensure in accordance with authorities of the department that the obligations undertaken under international agreements to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party are fulfilled and coordinate the activities performed in this area;

3.0.20. Participate in development of science, machinery and technology and implementation of these scientific-technical achievements in the relevant area taking into account international best practices;

3.0.21. Analyse the development dynamics of the relevant area;

3.0.22. Participate in providing recommendations, conducting analyses, summaries, monitoring and researches, and preparinganalytical materialsin accordance with the areas of activities;

3.0.23. Take measures for improvement of activities of the Department;

3.0.24. Carry out other duties provided by the legislation in accordance with the areas of activities.


4. Rights of the Department

4.0. The Department has the following rights in order to perform its duties:

4.0.1. Analyse development dynamics of the relevant area;

4.0.2. Participate in providing recommendations, conducting analyses, summaries, monitoring and researches, and preparing analytical materialsin accordance with the areas of activities;

4.0.3. Submit inquires about the necessary information (documents) tothe relevant structural units of the Ministry and subordinate organisations in the relevant area, state and local authorities, physical persons and legal entities and receive such information (documents) from them;

4.0.4. Participate in international conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other activities in the relevant area as per assignment of the leadership, participate in organization of the local and international events;

4.0.5. Carry out other duties provided by the legislation in accordance with the areas of activities.


5. Organization of the activities of the Department

5.1. The structure and staff number of the Department is determined and approved by the Minister. The structure of the Department includes the Oil PolicyDivision, the Gas Policy Division and the Petro-chemical Division.

5.2. The Department is led by the Head of the Department, appointed and dismissed by the Minister. The Head of Department is personally responsible for performing tasks and exercising the rights entrusted to the Department.

5.3.The Head of the Department has two deputies (Deputy Head of the Department – Head of the Division), appointed and dismissed by the Minister. The Deputy Head of the Department - the Head of the Division is personally responsible for the fulfilment of the tasks entrusted to him by the Head of the Department and the exercise of the rights. In the absence of the Head of the Department, his / her responsibilities shall be exercised by the Deputy Head of Department, the Head of theDivision or otherpersons appointed by Minister.

5.4. Other employees of the Department are appointed and dismissed by the Minister.

5.5. The Head of the Departmenthas the following authorities:

5.5.1. Organize and manage the activities of the Department;

5.5.2. Carry out distribution of work between subordinate divisions and employees, co-ordinate their activities, oversee compliance with labour and performance discipline;

5.5.3. Sign the relevant documents to ensure the implementation of tasks entrusted to the Department, as well as oversee the timely and quality implementation of the measures envisaged in the work plan;

5.5.4. Define the issues to be discussed at the Board of the Ministry on the Department and submit its proposals to the leadership of the Ministry, ensure that the Department executes legal acts in a legal and timely manner;

5.5.5. Makerecommendations to the minister about the encouragement or disciplinary action of the department's employees; 

5.5.6. Carry out evaluation of performance of the civil servants occupying administrative positions of theDepartment;

5.5.7. Organize consideration of received letters, appeals and proposals to the Department in accordance with the legislation;

5.5.8. Ensure clerical work and confidentiality regime in the Department;

5.5.9. Represents the Department;

5.6. Employees of the Department bear responsibility for violation of the requirements of this Regulation in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


6. Duties of the Oil Policy Division

6.1. Duties of the Oil Policy Division are as follows:

6.1.1. Participate in identification of areas for the prospective development trends of the oil sector, preparation and implementation of state programs, development concepts in accordance with the directions of activities defined by thisRegulation;

6.1.2. Represent the interests of the state in case and manner entrusted to the Ministry at government institutions operating in the oil sector;

6.1.3. Participate in preparation and implementation of measures for the supplyof the energy security of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the oil sector;

6.1.4. Prepare the projected production and consumption figures of individual utilities of the oil sector, submit these forecasts to theleadership and participate in activities taken in this area;

6.1.5. Prepare drafts of fuel – energy balance analysing relevant indicators of individual utilities of theoil sector presented for the purpose of developing fuel – energy balance of the Republic of Azerbaijan and submitthem to the leadership, and participate in activities taken for its implementation jointly with the relevant departments;

6.1.6. Provide comments regarding the state energy appraisal of expertise carried out in cases and manner established by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Utilization of Energy Resources”;

6.1.7. Participate in organising the preparation and implementation of state programs in the area of development of mineral – feedstock resources and geological investigation ofsubsoil resources in the oil sector;

6.1.8. Participate in taking measures for the full satisfaction of the needs of people and economy in collaboration with state organisations operating in the oil sector;

6.1.9. Participate in identification of consumption limits of utilities of the oil sectorin regard with the state enterprises; 

6.1.10. Participate in approval of utilization, loss and technological consumption norms of energy resources of the relevant area for each year in the state enterprises operating in theoil sector;

6.1.11. Participate in preparation and implementation of resource-saving measures in the oil sector and provide efficient use of such resources;

6.1.12. Participate in government regulation of the activities of natural monopoly subjects operating in the oil sector in collaboration with the relevant departments;

6.1.13. Participate in preparation and implementation of development and improvement measures of the oil sector in collaboration with the relevant departments;

6.1.14. Participate in preparation and implementation of measures aimed for improving the competitiveness of the oil sector;

6.1.15. Participate in regulating the connection of utility producers of the oil sector to the transport-communication systems;

6.1.16. Participate in preparation of normative and technical legal act drafts in theoil sector;

6.1.17. Participate in coordination of inter-organisational activities of the state enterprises operating in the oil sector;

6.1.18. Participate in preparation of international agreements on cooperation in the oil sector, ensure in accordance with authorities of the Department that the obligations undertaken under international agreements to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party are fulfilled and coordinate the activities performed in this area;

6.1.19. Participate in development of science, machinery and technology and implementation of these scientific-technical achievements in theoil sectortaking into account international best practices;

6.1.20. Analyse the development dynamics of the oil sector;

6.1.21. Participate in providing recommendations, conducting analyses, summaries, monitoring and researches, and preparing analytical materialsin accordance with the areas of activities;

6.1.22. Prepare proposals onthe Work Plan of the Department, draft periodical performance reportsand provide suggestions to be discussed in the Board of the Ministry;

6.1.23. Conductanalysisof the oil sector trends in Azerbaijan and in theWorld and develop summary;

6.1.24. Collects quarterly and yearly information on the oil sector of Azerbaijan and conduct analysis of this information;

6.1.25. Collects information for implementation of state programs, action plans and other documents adopted in the oil sector and preparesummary results;

6.1.26. Prepare general summaries of the oil sector;

6.1.27. Participate in developing reports of the Department in accordance with the direction of activities of the Division;

6.1.28. Analyse the oil sector trends in the worldand its impact to the oil sector of the country;

6.1.29. Prepare proposals to Head of the Department onthe Work Plan of the Department, draft periodical performance reports and provide suggestions to be discussed in the Board of the Ministry in accordance to the direction of activities of the Division;

6.1.30. Participate in taking measures for improvement of the activities of the Department;

6.1.31. Carry out other duties provided by the legislation in accordance with the areas of activities.

7. Duties of Gas Policy Division

7.1. Duties of the Gas Policy Division are as follows:

7.1.2. Participate in identification of areas for the prospective development trends of gas sector, preparation and implementation of state programs, development concepts in accordance with the directions of activities defined by thisRegulation;

7.1.3. Represent the interests of the state in case and manner entrusted to the Ministry at government institutions operating in gas sector;

7.1.4. Participate in preparation and implementation of measures for the supplyof the energy security of the Republic of Azerbaijan in gas sector;

7.1.5. Prepare the projected production and consumption figures of individual utilities of the gas sector, submit these forecasts to theleadership and participate in activities taken in this area;

7.1.6. Prepare drafts of fuel – energy balance analysing relevant indicators of individual utilities of thegas sector presented for the purpose of developing fuel – energy balance of the Republic of Azerbaijan and submitthem to the leadership, and participate in activities taken for its implementation jointly with the relevant departments;

7.1.7. Provide comments regarding the state energy appraisal of expertise carried out in cases and manner established by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Utilization of Energy Resources”;

7.1.8. Participate in organising the preparation and implementation of state programs in the area of development of mineral – feedstock resources and geological investigation ofsubsoil resources in the gas sector;

7.1.9. Participate in taking measures for the full satisfaction of the needs of people and economy in collaboration with state organisations operating in the gas sector;

7.1.10. Participate in identification of consumption limits of utilities of the gas sectorin regard with the state enterprises;

7.1.11. Participate in approval of utilization, loss and technological consumption norms of energy resources of the relevant area for each year in the state enterprises operating in thegas sector;

7.1.12. Participate in preparation and implementation of resource-saving measures in the gas sector and provide efficient use of such resources;

7.1.13. Participate in government regulation of the activities of natural monopoly subjects operating in the gas sector in collaboration with the relevant departments;

7.1.14. Participate in preparation and implementation of development and improvement measures of the gas sector in collaboration with the relevant departments;

7.1.15. Participate in preparation and implementation of measures aimed for improving the competitiveness of the gas sector;

7.1.16. Participate in regulating the connection of utility producers of the gas sector to the transport-communication systems;

7.1.17. Participate in preparation of normative and technical legal act drafts in thegas sector;

7.1.18. Participate in coordination of inter-organisational activities of the state enterprises operating in the gas sector;

7.1.19. Participate in preparation of international agreements on cooperation in the gas sector, ensure in accordance with authorities of the Department that the obligations undertaken under international agreements to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party are fulfilled and coordinate the activities performed in this area;

7.1.20. Participate in development of science, machinery and technology and implementation of these scientific-technical achievements in thegas sectortaking into account international best practices;

7.1.21. Analyse the development dynamics of the gas sector;

7.1.22. Participate in providing recommendations, conducting analyses, summaries, monitoring and researches, and preparing analytical materialsin accordance with the areas of activities;

7.1.23.Prepare proposals onthe Work Plan of the Department, draft periodical performance reports and provide suggestions to be discussed in the Board of the Ministry;

7.1.24. Conduct analysis of the gas sector trends in Azerbaijan and in the World and develop summary;

7.1.25. Collects quarterly and yearly information on the gas sector of Azerbaijan and conduct analysis of this information;

7.1.26. Collects information for implementation of state programs, action plans and other documents adopted in the gas sector and preparesummary results;

7.1.27. Prepare general summaries of the gas sector;

7.1.28. Participate in developing reports of the Department in accordance with the direction of activities of the Division;

7.1.29. Analyse the gas sector trends in the world and its impact to the oil sector of the country;

7.1.30. Prepare proposals to Head of the Department onthe Work Plan of the Department, draft periodical performance reports and provide suggestions to be discussed in the Board of the Ministry in accordance to the direction of activities of the Division;

7.1.31. Participate in taking measures for improvement of the activities of the Department;

7.1.32. Carry out other duties provided by the legislation in accordance with the areas of activities.

8.Duties of thePetro-chemical Division

8.1. Duties of Petro-chemical Division are as follows:

8.1.1. Participate in identification of areas for the prospective development trends of the petro-chemical sector, preparation and implementation of state programs, development concepts in accordance with the directions of activities defined by thisRegulation;

8.1.2Represent the interests of the state in case and manner entrusted to the Ministry at government institutions operating in the petro-chemical sector;

8.1.3. Participate in preparation and implementation of measures for the supplyof the energy security of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the petro-chemical sector;

8.1.4. Prepare the projected production and consumption figures of individual utilities of the petro-chemical sector, submit these forecasts to theleadership and participate in activities taken in this area;

8.1.5. Prepare drafts of fuel – energy balance analysing relevant indicators of individual utilities of the petro-chemical sector presented for the purpose of developing fuel – energy balance of the Republic of Azerbaijan and submitthem to the leadership, and participate in activities taken for its implementation jointly with the relevant departments;

8.1.6. Participate in taking measures for the full satisfaction of the needs of people and economy in collaboration with state organisations operating in the petro-chemical sector;

8.1.7. Participate in government regulation of the activities of natural monopoly subjects operating in the petro-chemical sector in collaboration with the relevant departments;

8.1.8. Participate in preparation and implementation of development and improvement measures of the petro-chemical sector in collaboration with the relevant departments;

8.1.9. Participate in preparation and implementation of measures aimed for improving the competitiveness of the petro-chemical sector;

8.1.10. Participate in preparation of normative and technical legal act drafts in the petro-chemical sector;

8.1.11. Participate in coordination of inter-organisational activities of the state enterprises operating in the petro-chemical sector;

8.1.12.Participate in preparation of international agreements on cooperation in the petro-chemical sector, ensure in accordance with authorities of the Department that the obligations undertaken under international agreements to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party are fulfilled and coordinate the activities performed in this area;

8.1.13. Participate in development of science, machinery and technology and implementation of these scientific-technical achievements in the petro-chemical sectortaking into account international best practices;

8.1.14. Analyse the development dynamics of the petro-chemical sector;

8.1.15. Participate in providing recommendations, conducting analyses, summaries, monitoring and researches, and preparing analytical materialsin accordance with the areas of activities;

8.1.16. Prepare proposals onthe Work Plan of the Department, draft periodical performance reports and provide suggestions to be discussed in the Board of the Ministry;

8.1.17. Conduct analysis of the petro-chemical sector trends in Azerbaijan and in the World and develop summary;

8.1.18. Collects quarterly and yearly information on the petro-chemical sector of Azerbaijan and conduct analysis of this information;

8.1.19. Collects information for implementation of state programs, action plans and other documents adopted in the petro-chemical sector and preparesummary results;

8.1.20. Prepare general summaries of the petro-chemical sector;

8.1.21. Participate in developing reports of the Department in accordance with the direction of activities of the Division;

8.1.22. Analyse the petro-chemical sector trends in the world and its impact to the oil sector of the country;

8.1.23. Prepare proposals to Head of the Department onthe Work Plan of the Department, draft periodical performance reports and provide suggestions to be discussed in the Board of the Ministry in accordance to the direction of activities of the Division;

8.1.24. Participate in taking measures for improvement of the activities of the Department;

8.1.25. Carry out other duties provided by the legislation in accordance with the areas of activities.