The Department of Finance and Supply of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan



1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation determines the directions, duties, rights and organization of activities of the Department of Finance and Supply of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry).

1.2. The department is an independent structural subdivision of the Ministry. The Department implements the tariff and investment policy, organizes financial and economic activity and accounting of the Ministry’s office, organizes and supervises the compliance with labor and wage norms and salaries.

1.3. The Department operates in the activity of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Civil Service" and other laws, Decrees and Orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Decrees and Orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Regulation of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, orders and instructions (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry's legal acts) of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter- the Minister) and this Regulation.

1.4.The Departmentoperates in collaboration with departments and divisions of the Ministry's Administration (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry's structural units), subordinate organizations, state-ownedenterprises operating in fuel and energy sector, as well as central and local executive authorities, local self-governance bodies and non-governmental organizationswhile performing its duties and exercising the rights.


2. Areas of activities of the Department

2.0. The Department operates in the following directions:

2.0.1. Keep records of property, liabilities and all economic transactions of the Ministry;

2.0.2. Organize accounting policy in accordance with National Accounting Standards;

2.0.3. Ensure the implementation of the Ministry's budget forecasts;

2.0.4. Ensure accuracy of information on assets and liabilities in accounting records in accordance with legislation;

2.0.5. Ensure the inventory implementation in accordance with the legislation;

2.0.6. Oversee the financial and economic activities of the subordinate departments;

2.0.7. Operate in other directions defined by the legislation;


3.Duties of the Department

3.0. The main duties of the department are:

3.0.1. Submit expenditure estimates of the Ministry's Administrationto the Minister for approval;

3.0.2. Maintain accounting of property, liabilities and all economic transactions of the Ministry's Administration;

3.0.3. Prepare the draft budget of the Ministry for the next budget year;

3.0.4. Organize and maintainaccounting records of the Ministry, prepare and submit financial statements to relevant authorities;

3.0.5. Analyze the financial and economic activities of the Ministry and subordinate organizations, and propose recommendations to increase their effectiveness;

3.0.6. Control the correct representation of financial statements, financial instruments, inventories, fixed assets, and transactions related to their movement in the accounting recordsof the Ministry and its subordinate organizations;

3.0.7. Ensure the accuratecalculation of salaries, bonuses, travel expenses and other payments and expenses to the staff of the Ministryin accordance with the legislation and take necessary measures for financing the activities of the Ministry by banks and other credit organizations;

3.0.8. Ensure that the procurement is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation;

3.0.9. Carry out inspections of cash desk in accordance with the periods specified by the legislation;

3.0.10. Take necessary measures to provide correspondence to accounts in banking operations, carry out banking and treasury transactions;

3.0.11. Carry out cash transactions of the Ministry;

3.0.12. Protect the confidentiality of the contents of accounting information, primary accounting records, accounting records and other accounting documents;

3.0.13. Organize implementationof the inventoryof the Ministry in accordance with the established procedures, provideassessment and reassessment of the property on the Ministry's balance;

3.0.14. Ensure efficient use of budget funds, loans, grants, incoming funds and other financial resources for the services provided by the Ministry in direction of its activities;

3.0.15.Prepare the drafts of staff list of the Administration and subordinate organizations of the Ministry within the defined number of staff and labor compensation fund and plan the allocations and limits for other items;

3.0.16. Maintain records of fixed, intangible and other type of assets;

3.0.17. Issue reference certificate to the Ministry's employees upon request;

3.0.18. Prepare reports and provide information according to the Minister's instruction;

3.0.19. Present annual report on the activities of the Department to the Minister;

3.0.20. Carry out tasks arising from the Ministry's regulatory activity;

3.0.21. Fulfill other tasks assigned to the Department by the Minister;

3.0.22. Take measures to protect the Ministry's administrative buildings from fire and comply with sanitary and hygienic standards in the buildings;

3.0.23. Take measures related to the organization and technical support of meetings, briefings, consultations and other such events held by the leadership of the Ministry on direction of its activities;

3.0.24. Perform other duties in accordance with its activities defined by the legislation.


4. Rights of the Department

4.0. The Department has the following rights to carry out its duties and functions:

4.0.1. Provide requests to the state and local self-government bodies, individuals and legal entities in order to get necessary information (documents) for the performance of its duties and functions, and obtain such information (documents) from them;

4.0.2. Make proposals on draft normative-legal acts prepared by the structural subdivisions of the Ministry on the areas of activities;

4.0.3. Participate in the implementation of state and international programs by the instructions of the Minister;

4.0.4. Represent the Ministry in other authorities within its competence according to the instructions of the Minister;

4.0.5. Fulfill other rights envisaged by the legislation in accordance with its activities.


5. Organization of the department's activity

5.1. The structure and staff of the department are determined by the Minister. The structure of the department includes the Finance and Accounting Division and the Supply Division.

5.2. The department is led by the Head of the Department, appointed and dismissed by the Minister. The Head of the Department is personally responsible for performing tasks and exercising the rights entrusted to the department.

5.3. The Head of the Department has two deputies appointed and dismissed by the Minister. The deputy director (s) is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks entrusted to him (them) by the Head of the Department. In the absence of the Head of the Department, his authority is exercised by the Deputy Director (Deputy) or other person designated by the Minister.

5.4. Other employees of the department are appointed and dismissed by the Minister.

5.5. The Head of Department (Chief Accountant):

5.5.1. Organize and manage the activities of the department;

5.5.2. Carry out a distribution of work among the subordinated Divisions and employees, coordinate their activities, oversee compliance with labor, performance and service discipline;

5.5.3. Define the issueson the department to be discussed at the Ministry's Board meeting and submit the proposals to the Minister;

5.5.4. Make recommendation to the superior leadership of the Ministry for the encouragement and disciplinary measures of the department's employees;

5.5.5. Receive necessary information and documents from other structures of the ministry within its competence to fulfill the duties of the department;

5.5.1. Organize consideration of the received letters, petitions, complaints and recommendations in accordance with the legislation;

5.5.6. Provide clerical work and confidentiality regime in the department;

5.5.7. Represent the Department.

5.5.8. Officer of the Department are responsible for violation of the requirements of this Regulation in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


6. Duties of the Financial and Accounting Division

6.0. The duties of Finance and Accounting Divisionare as follows:

6.0.1. Submit expenditure estimates of the Ministry's Administrationto the Minister for approval;

6.0.2. Maintain accounting of property, liabilities and all economic transactions of the Ministry's Administration;

6.0.3. Prepare the draft budget of the Ministry for the next budget year;

6.0.4.Provide organization and maintenance of the Ministry's accounting records, including the preparation and submission of financial statements to the relevant authorities;

6.0.5. Analyze the financial and economic activities of the Ministry and the subordinate entities, and provide suggestions to increase their effectiveness;

6.0.6.Control the correct representation of financial statements, financial instruments, inventories, fixed assets, and transactions related to their movement in the accounting recordsof the Ministry and its subordinate organizations;

6.0.7.Ensure the accurate calculation of salaries, bonuses, travel expenses and other payments and expenses to the staff of the Ministry in accordance with the legislation and take necessary measures for financing the activities of the Ministry by banks and other credit organizations;

6.0.8. Ensure that the procurement is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation;

6.0.9. Carry out the inspection of the cash desk in accordance with the periods specified by the legislation;

6.0.10.Take necessary measures to provide correspondence to accounts in banking operations, carry out banking and treasury transactions;

6.0.11.Carry out cash transactions of the Ministry;

6.0.12. Protect the confidentiality of the contents of accounting information, primary accounting records, accounting records and other accounting documents;

6.0.13.Organize implementationof the inventoryof the Ministry in accordance with the established procedures, provideassessment and reassessment of the property on the Ministry's balance;

6.0.14.Ensure efficient use of budget funds, loans, grants, incoming funds and other financial resources for the services provided by the Ministry in direction of its activities;

6.0.15.Prepare the drafts of staff list of the Administration and subordinate organizations of the Ministry within the defined number of staff and labor compensation fund and plan the allocations and limits for other items;

6.0.16.Maintain records of fixed, intangible and other type of assets;

6.0.17.Issue reference certificate to the Ministry's employees upon request;

6.0.18. Take measures to review complaints and appeals related to the activities of the department;

6.0.19.Prepare reports and provide information according to the Minister's instruction;

6.0.20. Participate in the implementation of tasks arising from the normative-regulatory activity.


7. Duties of the Supply Division

7.0. The duties of the Supply Division are as follows:

7.0.1. Provide the necessary conditions for the efficient functioning of the structural units of the Ministry's Administration, carries out their material-supply services;

7.0.2. Take measures for maintaining supply-contracts with producers in a timely manner and take necessary actions for development of long and short-term economic relations with suppliers;

7.0.3. Ensure protection of the equipment, their recovery and enhancement, as well as service areas and cleanliness in the surrounding area;

7.0.4. Organize the implementation of economic and material-supply services;

7.0.5. Ensure the maintenance of services in accordance with the norms and rules of sanitary and fire protection in the premises and building of the Ministry;

7.0.6. Participate and oversee the development of the current and capital repairs of the Ministry's fixed assets and the preparation of the cost estimates;

7.0.7. Provide structural subdivisions with inventory, control their maintenance and repair on time;

7.0.8. Register the documents required for service contracts, organize the storage of essential economic goods, monitor the efficient use of materials and funds allocated for economic purposes;

7.0.9. Organize administrative service of meetings, conferences, exhibitions and other events related to exchange of experience in the Ministry;

7.0.10.Ensure that fire protection measures and fire-fighting equipment are stored;

7.0.11. Ensure efficient utilization of goods and supplies in the warehouse of the Ministry;

7.0.12. Organize the transfer and delivery of the goods in the warehouse of the Ministry;

7.0.13. Supervise the Ministry's warehouse.