The Department of Economy of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan



1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation determines the areas of activities, duties, rights and rules of organization of activity of the Department of Economy of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry).

1.2. The department is an independent structural unit of the Ministry. The Department carries out the analysis of the economic situation of the fuel and energy sector (hereinafter referred to as the relevant area), the development strategy and the directions of economic development within the scope of its authorities provide by this Regulation.

1.3. The activities of the Department are guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decrees and executive orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, international treaties and other normative-legal acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Regulation of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, orders and instructions (hereinafter the Ministry's legal acts) of the Minister of Energy (hereinafter referred to as the Minister) and this Regulation.

1.4. The Department operates in interaction with the structural subdivisions of the Ministry, subordinate organizations, legal entities and individuals, irrespective of their ownership and organizational and legal form, including state enterprises operating in the relevant field, as well as central and local executive authorities, local self-governance bodies and non-governmental organizations while performing its duties and exercising its rights.


2. Areas of activities of the department

2.0. The activities of the department are as follows:

2.0.1. Participate in the formation of a unified state policy in the relevant area and ensure the implementation of this policy;

2.0.2. Participate in the regulation of the activities of state-owned enterprises operating in the relevant field in cases prescribed by this Regulation;

2.0.3. Perform activities regarding the special permission for the import, export and transit of goods under the provisions of export control determined by the Decree No. 167 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 29, 2004 “On Approval of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Export Control””, and the Rules approved by the Resolution No. 230 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 15, 2005 “On approval of some normative acts on the application of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, provision of special permit as per the “Rules for provision of special permit for the goods with limited civil circulation” approved by the Decree No. 292 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 12, 2005, and provision of certificate in the cases defined by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On application of special economic regime for export-oriented oil and gas activities” dated February 2, 2009;

2.0.4. Participate in the provision of electronic services for specific areas defined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

2.0.5. Take measures to effectively use the state property in the relevant area.


3. Duties of the department

3.0. The Department performs the following duties in accordance with the areas of activities defined by this Regulation:

3.0.1. Define the perspective development areas of the relevant field, provide preparation and implementation of development concepts in these areas in accordance with the directions of activity;

3.0.2. Participate in the preparation and implementation of measures to ensure the energy security of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

3.0.3. Produce forecasts for the production and consumption of individual utilities, submit them to the relevant executive authorities and take part in the activities carried out in this field;

3.0.4. Participate in the work of the privatization commissions operating in the relevant sector;

3.0.5. Ensure efficient use of budget funds, loans, grants and other financial resources allocated to state-owned enterprises in the relevant field, participate in the provision of timely repayment of loans received by state-owned enterprises by state guarantees;

3.0.6. Participate in establishing and applying appropriate economic and financial incentives for energy saving;

3.0.7. Define directions of financing energy-efficient programs from the energy efficiency fund;

3.0.8. Develop and implement measures for improvement of the relevant area in collaboration with relevant executive authorities;

3.0.9. Participate in regulation of connection of utility producers to transport-communication systems in collaboration with relevant executive authorities;

3.0.10. Carry out tasks arising from the law-making activities in the relevant field;

3.0.11. Participate in the preparation of international agreements on cooperation in the relevant field, ensure fulfilment of the obligations undertaken by the Republic of Azerbaijan on the matters within the authorities of the Ministry and coordinate the work done in this area;

3.0.12. Prepare draft agreements on the production of hydrocarbon reserves under the terms of share allocation or other conditions under the instructions of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, oversee the implementation of the concluded agreements;

3.0.13. Participate in international economic and energy organizations' work related to relevant issues, and interact with international and national financial and credit organizations in attracting investments;

3.0.14. Ensure the preparation and implementation of relevant measures for the purpose of creating a favorable environment for attracting investments into the relevant area in accordance with the directions defined by this Regulation;

3.0.15. Prepare investment projects to ensure the development of state-owned enterprises in the relevant field;

3.0.16. Fulfil the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan on permits, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry's legal acts;

3.0.17. Control the compliance with the requirements and conditions of permits in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

3.0.18. Maintain a register of issued, registered, suspended, revoked and cancelled licenses issued by the Ministry;

3.0.19. Examine applications and inquiries from individuals and legal entities on matters relating to the activities of the department, respond to received applications and inquiries in a timely manner;

3.0.20. Ensure the development of science and technology and application of scientific and technical achievements taking into account international best practices;

3.0.21. Carry out activities related to the provision of electronic services for specific areas determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

3.0.22. Take measures to improve the structure and performance of the Ministry;

3.0.23. The employees of the department, who are authorized to look into the administrative violation, examine cases related to the administrative offenses and make relevant decisions in accordance with the relevant articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

3.0.24. Perform other duties stipulated by the legislation in accordance with its activities.


4. Rights of the Department

4.0. The Department has the following rights to carry out its duties:

4.0.1. Carry out analysis of the development dynamics of the relevant area and its separate units;

4.0.2. Make proposals on creation of a favorable investment climate in the relevant area;

4.0.3. Carry out analysis of the economic and financial situation of state-owned enterprises operating in the relevant field and make suggestions on improvement of their economic regulation mechanism and their effectiveness;

4.0.4. Make suggestions to the Ministry’s leadership about suspension or termination of permits for non-fulfilment of permit requirements;

4.0.5. Take an initiative on making of the Republic of Azerbaijan a party to international agreements in the relevant field;

4.0.6. Make proposals on restrictions for the privatization of state-owned enterprises operating in the relevant field;

4.0.7. Receive reports from government agencies operating in the relevant field on the work carried out in the field of rational use of energy resources;

4.0.8. Provide feedback on activities, conduct monitoring and research, prepare analytical materials;

4.0.9. Submit inquires about the necessary information (documents) to state and local authorities, physical persons and legal entities in connection with the fulfillment of the tasks defined by this Regulation and receive such information (documents) from them;

4.0.10. Cooperate with relevant international organizations, relevant state bodies (agencies) of foreign states, and study relevant experience of foreign states;

4.0.11. Participate in international conferences, seminars, exhibitions and other events in the relevant field, organize local and international events in that area;

4.0.12. Involve independent experts and specialists in their activities;

4.0.13. Submit inquires about the necessary information (documents) to state and local authorities, physical persons and legal entities operating in fuel and energy sector and receive such information (documents) from them;

4.0.14. Make proposals to the leadership of the Ministry on submitting the documents on violations discovered by the employees of the department to the relevant authorities and law enforcement bodies;

4.0.15. Exercise the rights arising out of the normalization activities in the relevant area;

4.0.16. Carry out other rights stipulated by the legislation in accordance with its activities.


5. Organization of the Department's activity

5.1. The structure and staff number of the department is determined and approved by the Minister.

5.2. The department is led by the Head of the Department, appointed and dismissed by the Minister. The Head of the Department is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the responsibilities entrusted to the department and the exercise of the rights.

5.3. The Head of the Department has two deputies (Deputy Heads of the Department) appointed and dismissed by the Minister. Deputy Heads of the Department are personally responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks entrusted to them by the Head of the Department and the exercise of the rights. In the absence of the Head of the Department, one of the deputy directors of the department carries out these duties.

5.4. Other employees of the department are appointed and dismissed by the Minister.

5.5. The Head of Department has the following authorities:

5.5.1. Organize and manage the activities of the department;

5.5.2. Carry out a division of work among the employees of the department, coordinate their activities, oversee compliance with work and performance discipline, and regularly analyze their conduct in accordance with ethical conduct rules;

5.5.3. Sign working plans and other documents designed to ensure the fulfillment of tasks entrusted to the department, as well as oversee implementation of the measures envisaged in the work plan in a timely and qualitative manner;

5.5.4. Define the issues to be discussed at the Collegium of the Ministry and submit its suggestions to the Ministry’s leadership, ensure that the Department performs execution of legal acts in a proper and timely manner;

5.5.5. Make recommendations to the minister about the encouragement or disciplinary action of the department's employees;

5.5.6. Carry out an assessment of the activity of civil servants holding administrative posts of the department;

5.5.7. Organize consideration of executive documents, applications, complaints and suggestions into the department in accordance with the legislation;

5.5.8. Ensure clerical work and confidentiality regime in the department;

5.5.9. Represent the Department;

5.6. Officers of the Department bear responsibility for violations of this Regulation in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.