The Department of Human Resources and Civil Service of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan



1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation determines the areas of activities, functions, duties, rights and rules for organization of activities of the Department of Human Resources and Civil Service of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry).

1.2. The department is an independent structural unit of the Ministry and is directly subordinate to the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as the Minister). The Department is responsible for the application of acts adopted in the field of labor legislation related to the activities of the departments and divisions of the Ministry's administration (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry's structural units), admission to civil service and recruitment for civil service positions, as well as compliance with the ethical conduct rules, advanced vocational training, further education, evaluationof civil servants and non-civil servants, and organization of the activities in human resources management.

1.3. The activities of the departmentare guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Civil Service" and other laws, decrees and executive orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, "Regulations of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan", decisions of the Ministerial Board,orders and ordinances of the Ministry of Energy of Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry's Legal Acts)and this Regulation.

1.4. The Department operates in collaboration with the structural units of the Ministry, subordinate organizations, state and self-governing bodies, non-governmental organizations while performing its duties and exercising its rights.

1.5. The Department has a circular seal with its title.


2. Areas of the Department’s activties

2.0. The Department's areas of activities are as follows:

2.0.1. Ensure the organization and improvement of civil service and personnel management of the Ministry, regulation of labor relations;

2.0.2. Carry out worksforprovision the Ministry with human resources, formation of reserve personnel, as well as human resources management;

2.0.3. Establish the needs of civil servants forfurther education, training and take measures in this area;

2.0.4. Prepare and implement measures for the development of human capital;

2.0.5. Operate in other areas defined by the legislation.


3. Duties of the Department

3.0. The general duties of the Department in accordance with the areas of activity defined by this Regulation are as follows:

3.0.1. Participate in the development and implementation of human resources management strategies, programs and other documents within the scope of its activities;

3.0.2. Make proposals to leadership to investigate international experience in improving human resources management technology and application of this experience;

3.0.3. Carry out the state personnel strategy within the authorities of the department in the area of staffing of structural units and subordinate organizations of the Ministry with highly qualified specialists, recruitment and placement of personnel;

3.0.4. Participate in the evaluation of the civil servant's administrative activity in the structural units of the Ministry and oversee compliance with the legislation, prepare annual final reports and inform relevant executive authority about the results;

3.0.5. Analyze the results of the evaluation of activities of civilservants of structural units of the Ministry and make proposals;

3.0.6. Take necessary measures for timely submission of information required for civil service and filling the administrative positions and for filling secondary positions and positions that are not considered for civil service;

3.0.7. Ensure the public servants to be admitted to the permanent civil service to take oath ceremonially in accordance with the legislation;

3.0.8. Make proposals to the leadership of the Ministryonrecruitmentof qualified personnel, personnel rotation, appointment or dismissal of the personnel, consideration of personnel subject to disciplinary liability and award schemes;

3.0.9. Identify employees of the Ministry for additional education, training needs in collaboration with relevant authorities, take measure to increase vocational training, combat ethical behavior and fight corruption;

3.0.10. Ensurethat civil servants are awarded with the initial and subsequent qualification degrees in accordance with their position and service experience;

3.0.11. Organize and conduct work with the curator of civil servants designated for the duration of the internship;

3.0.12. Define the requirements for civil service positions in accordance with legislation and carry out the preparation of service functions;

3.0.13. Create a list of reserve personnel for senior positions and prepare an annual action plan on persons included in the list of reserve staff, submit relevant information to the relevant executive authority, carry out work with other reserve personnel, prepare proposals for improving the professional level of promising staff;

3.0.14. Participate in the implementation of the supervision of compliance with the Ministry's defined service regulations and internal discipline regulations;

3.0.15. Carry out paperwork on rewarding or disciplinary liability of employees of the Ministry;

3.0.16. Study and summarize domestic and international experience in the field of human resources management and makeproposals on the implementation;

3.0.17. Investigate the causes of the personnel flow in the Ministry, prepare measures and submit to the leadership to remove this tendency;

3.0.18. Investigate training needs of the structural units of the Ministry and subordinate organizations and carry out measures in this area;

3.0.19. Carry out adaptation work with newly appointed employees;

3.0.20. Carry out the organization of team building and organize corporate, socio-cultural and motivational activities for staff members of the Ministry's and its structural units;

3.0.21. Define the responsibilitiesfor the contest, general interview and internal interview recruitmentstages of the vacant administrative civil service positions in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Civil Service" and submit the decision of the management to the relevant executive body;

3.0.22. Participate in the contest or interview conducted in accordance with the legislation for the recruitment of civil servants, conduct organizational and methodological activities when making appointments on the basis of interviews or contests;

3.0.23. Takenecessary measures for the maintenance of the register of civil servants and other databases established by the civil service, and ensure that the information on changes made to the registry is provided to the relevant state authority on a monthly basis;

3.0.24. Carry out work related topreparation of timesheets, employment records and leave schedules, issuance of vacations, qualification degrees and allowances to the Ministry employees, registration of vacations, registration of business trips according to the legislation;

3.0.25. Carry out recordkeeping, registration of personal files of Ministry employees, archives, as well as other documents in an establishedmanner and ensure that all is stored and information contained is not disseminated;

3.0.26. Provide employees with service records and workbooks, fill workbooks, register and maintain their records;

3.0.27. Prepare and participate in preparation ofthe draft legal acts of the Ministry related to areas of activities;

3.0.28. Provide relevant information and extract to employees within its authority;

3.0.29. Prepare reports, summaries and information on the instructions of the management;

3.0.30. Carry out other duties stipulated by the legislation in accordance with its activities.


4. Rights of the Department

4.0. The Department has the following rights to carry out its duties:

4.0.1. Make proposals on improvement of employment and other activities;

4.0.2. Conduct research to study the psychological, economic and other factors affecting the labor activity of employees of the Ministry's personnel and the structure of the Ministry for the purpose of creating favorable working conditions and increasing its effectiveness;

4.0.3. Submit inquiries to the subordinate agencies and receive relevant information;

4.0.4. Give opinion-based feedback, analyze and summarize, provide practical and methodological recommendations on human resources management to managers of the Ministry;

4.0.5.Participate in the implementation of state and international programs aimed at the development of the sector related to the activities of the department;

4.0.6. Study local and international experience in direction of activities and make suggestions on the application of appropriate practices;

4.0.7. Co-operate with the staff policy of other government agencies to exchange experiences in human resources management;

4.0.8. Prepare preliminary projects for regulatory and organizational-oriented documents on activities or make proposals on drafted projects;

4.0.9. Make proposals to improve the activities of the Ministry, the department and the agencies;

4.0.10. Carry out other rights stipulated by the legislation in accordance with its activities.


5. Organization of the Department's activity

5.1. The structure and staff number of the department is determined and approved by the Minister. Except for the person authorized by the Minister, no one can interfere with the activity of the department. The structure of the department includes the HR Policy Division and the Civil Service Division.

5.2. The Department is led by the Head of the Department, appointed and dismissed by the Minister in accordance with the legislation. The Head of Department is personally responsible for performing tasks and exercising the rights entrusted to the Department.

5.3 The Head of the Department has a Deputy Head (Deputy Head of the Department – Head of the Division), appointed and dismissed by the Minister in accordance with the legislation. The Deputy Head of the Department - the Head of the Division is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks entrusted to him by the Head of the Department and the exercise of the rights. In the absence of Head of the Department, his / her responsibilities shall be exercised by the Deputy Head of the Department, the Head of the Division.

5.4. Other employees of the department are appointed and dismissed by the Minister in accordance with the legislation.

5.5. The Head of the Departmenthas the following authorities:

5.5.1. Organize and manage the activities of the department;

5.5.2. Carry out segregation of work between subordinate divisions and employees, co-ordinate their activities, oversee the compliance with labor and performance discipline;

5.5.3. Sign the relevant documents to ensure the implementation of tasks entrusted to the department, as well as oversee the timely and quality implementation of the measures envisaged in the work plan;

5.5.4. Define the issues to be discussed at the Board of the Ministry on the Department and submits its proposals to the leadership of the Ministry;

5.5.5. Receive necessary information and documents from other structural divisions of the Ministry within its competence to fulfill the duties of the department;

5.5.6. Raise the questions to the relevant structural units of the Ministry in terms of material and technical equipment, communication and transport provision of the department, as well as social and personal welfare of its employees;

5.5.7. Organize consideration of letters and appeals to the department in accordance with the legislation;

5.5.8. Ensure clerical work and confidentiality regime in the department;

5.5.9. Represent the department.

5.5.10. Employees of the Department are responsible for violation of the requirements of this Regulation in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


6. Duties of the HR PolicyDivision

6.0. The Division implements the following tasks in accordance with the areas of activities defined by this Regulation:

6.0.1. Carry out state personnel strategy within the authorities of the department in provision of structural units and subordinate organizations of the Ministry with highly qualified specialists, recruitment and placement of personnel;

6.0.2. Participate in the evaluation of the civil servant's official administrative activity in the structural units of the Ministry and oversee compliance with the legislation, prepare annual final reports and inform relevant executive authority about it;

6.0.3. Analyze the results of the assessment of civil servants' activity of structural units of the Ministry and make proposals;

6.0.4. Take necessary measures for timely submission of information required for civil service and filling the administrative positions and for filling secondary positions and positions that are not considered for civil service;

6.0.5. Ensure that the public servants to be admitted to the permanent civil service take oath ceremonially in accordance with the legislation;

6.0.6. Make proposals to the leadership of the Ministryon recruitment of qualified personnel, personnel rotation, appointment or dismissal of the personnel, consideration of personnel subject to disciplinary liability and award schemes;

6.0.7. Identifyemployees of the Ministry for additional education, training needs in collaboration with relevant authorities, take measure to increase vocational training, combat ethical behavior and fight corruption;

6.0.8. Ensure that civil servants are awarded with the initial and subsequent qualification degrees in accordance with their position and service experience;

6.0.9. Organize and conducts work with the curator of civil servants designated for the duration of the internship;

6.0.10. Define the requirements for civil service positions in accordance with legislation and carry out the preparation of service functions;

6.0.11. Create a list of reserve personnel for senior positions and prepare an annual action plan on persons included in the list of reserve staff, submit relevant information to the relevant executive authority, carry out work with other reserve personnel, prepare proposals for improving the professional level of promising staff;

6.0.12. Participate in the implementation of the supervision of compliance with the Ministry's defined service regulations and internal discipline regulations;

6.0.13. Prepare and participate in preparation of the draft legal acts of the Ministry on areas of activities;

6.0.14. Carry out paperwork on rewarding or disciplinary liability of employees of the Ministry;

6.0.15. Study and summarize domestic and international experience in the field of human resources management and makeproposals on the implementation;

6.0.16. Investigate the causes of the personnel flow in the Ministry, prepare measures and submit to the leadership to remove this tendency;

6.0.17. investigate training needs of the structural units of the Ministry and subordinate organizations and carry out measures in this area;

6.0.18. Carry out adaptation work with newly appointed employees;

6.0.19. Carry out the organization of team building and organize corporate, socio-cultural and motivational activities for staff members of the Ministry's and its structural units;

6.0.20. Prepare annual, quarterly reports, reference letters and information summaries;

6.0.21. Perform other duties stipulated by the legislation in accordance with its activities.


7. Duties of the Civil Service Division

7.0. The Divisioncarries out the following duties in accordance with the directions defined by this Regulation:

7.0.1. Define the responsibilities for the contest, general interview and internal interview recruitmentstages of the vacant administrative civil service positions in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Civil Service" and submit the decision of the management to the relevant executive body;

7.0.2. Participate in the contest or interview conducted in accordance with the legislation for the recruitment of civil servants, conduct organizational and methodological activities when making appointments on the basis of interviews or contests;

7.0.3. Take necessary measures for the maintenance of the register of civil servants and other databases established by the civil service, and ensure that the information on changes made to the registry is provided to the relevant state authority on a monthly basis;

7.0.4. Carry out work related to preparation of timesheets, employment records and leave schedules, issuance of vacations, qualification degrees and allowances to the Ministry employees, registration of vacations, registration of business trips according to the legislation;

7.0.5. Carry out recordkeeping, registration of personal files of Ministry employees, archives, as well as other documents in an established manner and ensure that all is stored and information contained is not disseminated;

7.0.6. Provide employees with service records and workbooks, fill workbooks, register and maintain their records;

7.0.7. Prepare and participate in preparation of the draft legal acts of the Ministry related to areas of activities;

7.0.8. Provide relevant information and extract to employees within its authority;

7.0.9. Prepare reports, summaries and information on the instructions of the management;

7.0.10. Carry out other duties stipulated by the legislation in accordance with its activities.