Regulation of the General Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan 

The General Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan



General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation determines the areas of activities, duties, rights and rules for organizing activity of the General Department of Energy of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry).

1.2. The department is an independent structural unit of the Ministry. The Department organizes and regulates work in the field of clerical work, document circulation, archiving work, reception of citizens and consideration of their appeals within the scope of its authority.

1.3. The activities of the Department are guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decrees and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, "Regulations of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan", decisions and orders of the Minister of Energy, and the present Regulation.

1.4. The Department operates in collaboration with departments and divisions of the Ministry's Administration (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry's structural units), subordinate organizations, state-owned enterprises operating in fuel and energy sector, as well as central and local executive authorities, local self-governance bodies and non-governmental organizations while performing its duties and exercising the rights.

1.5. The Department has a corresponding seal.


Areas of activities of the Department

2.0. The department has the following areas of activities:

2.0.1. Ensure the organization and improvement of mechanisms in the field of clerical work, document circulation, archiving, reception of citizens and examination of their appeals, as well as carry out practical and methodical management of the Ministry's structural units in this area;

2.0.2. Ensure the development of the relevant field;

2.0.3. Operate in other areas as defined by law.


Duties of the Department

3.0. The Department performs the following duties in accordance with the directions defined by this Regulation:

3.0.1. Carry out operational and methodological supervision of clerical work of the Administration of the Ministry within its authority in accordance with the requirements of existing rules for document circulation;

3.0.2. Carry out functional-methodological management and general supervision of clerical work of subordinate organizations under the Ministry within its authority in accordance with the requirements of existing rules for document circulation;

3.0.3. Prepare or participate in the preparation of organizational and ordinance documentations in the field of clerical work, document circulation, archiving, reception of citizens and examination of their appeals submitted to the Ministry;

3.0.4. Receive the documents submitted to the Ministry, register them in the Electronic Management System (hereinafter referred to as EIS), ensure copying and delivery of the documents accordingly;

3.0.5. Deliver attachments, books, brochures and other such documents, that are received by the Ministry which cannot be registered in the EIS, to the relevant structures of the Ministry;

3.0.6. Organize quick and timely circulation of documents in the Ministry, carry out organization of document handling, timely execution of documents within the scope of its authority, and handing over to the archive in a prescribed manner;

3.0.7. Ensure the delivery, classification and statistical reporting of outgoing documentation;

3.0.8. Organize the creation of search engines for documents and the use of these systems by employees of the Ministry;

3.0.9. Ensure supervision over timely execution of urgent, specific documents instructed by the Minister, including the timely execution of the assignments on applications, complaints and appeals of citizens within the scope of its authorities;

3.0.10. Arrange reception of citizens, ensure examination of applications of which the execution has been assigned to the department and ensure that relevant actions are taken in the terms and in the manner prescribed by the legislation;

3.0.11. Carry out training and awareness-raising activities of the structural units of the Ministry with regard to clerical work, document circulation, reception of citizens, consideration of their appeals;

3.0.12. Check the accuracy of addresses and other details of outgoing documents issued from the Ministry to be within the correct formulation, and return the documents to the relevant structural units of the Ministry if any corresponding errors are identified;

3.0.13. Submit documents returned before reaching the address to the executive officer and ensure these documents are delivered accordingly;

3.0.14. Draw up a general nomenclature list of works, including all the documents generated by the Ministry and derived from the activities of the Ministry in order to correctly formulate the document folders, to provide quick access to documents, to systematize the work, to record, to identify their storage periods and to deliver it to the archive in the future in proper form;

3.0.15. Ensure that the signed orders are registered, stored and delivered as per the mailing list;

3.0.16. Ensure that the applications and inquiries received from citizens, government agencies, enterprises and organizations on their activities are reviewed in accordance with legislation;

3.0.17. Ensure protection of service information, state and commercial secrets in accordance with legislation;

3.0.18. Prepare the department's work plan and activity reports according to the calendar periods;

3.0.19. Keep records of blank forms of the Ministry;

3.0.20. Fulfil other duties provided by the legislation in accordance with its activities.


Rights of the Department

4.0. The Department has the following rights in order to fulfil its duties:

4.0.1. Monitor the process of execution of documents, the course of consideration of citizens' applications and identify overdue documents;

4.0.2. Make suggestions on draft legislative acts, organizational-instructional documents drafted by the Ministry's structural units regarding its activities;

4.0.3. Confirm the authenticity of the Ministry documents;

4.0.4. Examine the applications addressed to the Ministry by the citizens of which the execution has been assigned to the Department, make investigations and suggestions in order to ensure the participation of relevant ministries in this area;

4.0.5. Submit inquiries to the relevant structural units of the Ministry in order to fulfil the tasks set out in this Regulation and receive relevant information (documents) from them within the scope of its authorities;

4.0.6. Make proposals for the elimination of the reasons and conditions which led to the improper fulfilment of assigned duties and functions due to the violation of the requirements of the legislation, organizational-instructional documents in the field of clerical work, organization of archive work, reception of citizens and consideration of their appeals by the structural units of the Ministry;

4.0.7. Provide feedback, prepare, analyze, summarize, monitor and conduct research and analytical materials on issues related to its activities;

4.0.8. Represent and participate during the work carried out at different levels of local and international events and within commissions, working groups formed at the Ministry and other state bodies;

4.0.9. Study the experience of foreign countries in line with its activities and makes suggestions to improve the activities in this field;

4.0.10. Make proposals for the preparation and training of specialists in the relevant field;

4.0.11. Exercise other rights provided by law in accordance with its activities.


Organization of the Department's activity

5.1. The structure and number of employees of the department is defined and approved by the Minister. The structure of the department includes the Document Control Division and Citizen Reception Division.

5.2. The Department is led by the Head of the Department, appointed and dismissed by the Minister. The Head of Department is personally responsible for performing tasks and exercising the rights entrusted to the Department.

5.3. The Department has the deputy head (deputy chief of department), who is appointed and dismissed by the Minister. The Deputy Head of the Department is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the duties entrusted to them by the Head of the Department and the exercise of the rights. In the absence of the Head of the Department, his authorities are exercised by the Deputy Head of the Department.

5.4. Other officers of the department are appointed and dismissed by the Minister.

5.5. The Head of the Department has the following authorities:

5.5.1. Organize and manage the activities of the department;

5.5.2. Carry out division of work between subordinate divisions and employees, co-ordinate their activities, oversee compliance with labor and performance discipline;

5.5.3. Ensure that strategic and tactical action plans of the department are prepared for the purpose of the execution of the duties assigned to the Department, submit them and other documents to leadership for approval and supervise the execution thereof; 

5.5.4. Organize the review of received letters, petitions and complaints in accordance with the legislation;

5.5.5. Sign the work plans and other such documents to ensure the fulfillment of tasks entrusted to the department, as well as oversee the implementation of the measures provided in the work plan in a timely, fully and qualitative manner;

5.5.6. Define issues to be discussed at the Collegium of the Ministry and submit its suggestions to the leadership of the Ministry; Provide the department with the proper execution of legal acts in a timely manner;

5.5.7. Carry out evaluation of the activity of civil servants occupying administrative positions at the department;

5.5.8. Make recommendation to the Minister about the incentives or disciplinary measures taken by the department's employees;

5.5.9.  Provide clerical work and confidentiality regime in the department;

5.5.10. Carry out appropriate measures to increase the qualifications of the department's staff and improves the working conditions;

5.5.11. Represent the department.

5.6. Officers of the Department are responsible for violation of the requirements of this Regulation in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Duties of the Document Control Division

6.0. The duties of the Document Control Division are as follows:

6.0.1. Receive the documents submitted to the Ministry, register them in the Electronic Management System (hereinafter referred to as EIS), ensure copying and delivery of the documents accordingly;

6.0.2. Deliver attachments, books, brochures and other such documents, that are received by the Ministry which cannot be registered in the EIS, to the relevant structures of the Ministry;

6.0.3. Organize quick and timely circulation of documents in the Ministry, carry out organization of document handling, timely execution of documents within the scope of its authority, and handing over to the archive in a prescribed manner;

6.0.4. Ensure the delivery, classification and statistical reporting of outgoing documentation;

6.0.5. Organize the creation of search engines for documents and the use of these systems by employees of the Ministry;

6.0.6. Check the accuracy of addresses and other details of outgoing documents issued from the Ministry to be within the correct formulation, and return the documents to the relevant structural units of the Ministry if any corresponding errors are identified;

6.0.7. Submit documents returned before reaching the address to the executive officer and ensure these documents are delivered accordingly;

6.0.9. Draw up a general nomenclature list of works, including all the documents generated by the Ministry and derived from the activities of the Ministry in order to correctly formulate the document folders, to provide quick access to documents, to systematize the work, to record, to identify their storage periods and to deliver it to the archive in the future in proper form;

6.0.10.  Ensure that the signed orders are registered, stored and delivered as per the mailing list;

6.0.11. Ensure protection of service information, state and commercial secrets in accordance with legislation;

6.0.12. Prepare the division's periodical work plan and activity reports according to the calendar periods;

6.0.13. Fulfil other duties provided by the legislation in accordance with its activities.


Duties of the Citizens Reception Division

7.0. The duties of the Citizens Reception Division are as follows:

7.0.1. Arrange reception of citizens, ensure examination of applications of which the execution has been assigned to the department and ensure that relevant actions are taken in the terms and in the manner prescribed by the legislation;

7.0.2. Carry out training and awareness-raising activities of the structural units of the Ministry with regard to clerical work, document circulation, reception of citizens, consideration of their appeals;

7.0.3. Control timely execution of the assignments on proposals, applications and complaints of citizens within its authority;

7.0.4. Ensure the consideration of applications and inquiries from citizens on their activities in accordance with legislation;

7.0.5. Ensure protection of service information, state and commercial secrets in accordance with legislation;

7.0.6. Fulfil other duties provided by the legislation in accordance with its activities.