International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan



1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation determines the main duties, functions, rights and rules for organizing the activities of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as the Department) and the responsibility of its employees.

1.2. The department is an independent structural unit of the Ministry. The Department is responsible for interstate economic relations, activities ofintergovernmental commissions, cooperation of the Ministry with international organizations and the European Union, foreign investment activities, attraction and promotion of foreign investments, as well as the organization of international projects and regulation of their implementation.

1.3. The Unit in its activityis guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Civil Service" and other laws, Decrees and Executive Orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Resolutions and Orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Regulation of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Orders of the Ministerial Board Meetings and orders of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter - the Minister) and this Regulation.

1.4. The Department operates in collaboration with structural units of the Ministry, subordinate organizations, state-owned fuel and energy companies, as well as central and local executive authorities, local self-governance bodies and non-governmental organizations while performing its duties and exercising the rights.


2. Areas of activities of the Department

2.0.1. The activities of the Department are as follows:

2.0.2. Develop and implement measures on the collaboration, strengthening, development, expansion of intergovernmental cooperation in the fuel and energy sector and on the activities of intergovernmental commissions;

2.0.3. Ensurecooperation with relevant international organizations;

2.0.4.Operate in other areas defined by the law.


3. The main duties of the Department

3.0.1. The main duties of the Department are:

3.0.2. Prepare the unified foreign (international) relations activity of the Ministry and state-owned enterprises engaged in fuel and energy, and carry out complex measures to ensure its implementation, monitor and keep track of this activity;

3.0.3.Organize and manage the external relations of the Ministry and state-owned enterprises in the fuel and energy sector;

3.0.4.Establish relations between the Ministry and its joint ventures established by state-owned enterprises operating in the fuel and energy sector, including commercial enterprises (companies, firms, etc.) operating under the subordination of state-owned enterprises operating in fuel and energy sector; as well as foreign embassies (diplomatic missions), consulates and trade representations (chambers of commerce), accredited in the Republic of Azerbaijan, including international and regional organizations (intergovernmental,international, sectoral, regional, specialized, non-governmental organizations and etc.) operating in the Republic of Azerbaijan and abroad; Diplomatic missions and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as permanent representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan under international organizations; agencies, associations, federations, business clubs, and other organizations engaged in commercial and non-commercial activities in the field of energy in Azerbaijan and abroad; establishes interconnection with non-governmental organizations, universities, research institutes and centers, educational institutions, and carries out methodological guidance and supervision of their activities within this framework, as well as monitors them;

3.0.5. Ensure the protection of foreign (international) activities, interests and rights of state-owned enterprises operating in the fuel and energy sector;

3.0.6. Oversee the activities of the international relations agencies (divisions, sectors and co-ordinates) of state-owned enterprises operating in the fuel and energy sector; makes proposals to the Minister and managers of legal entities in order to improve the performance of these institutions;

3.0.7. Monitor the activities and functions of state-owned enterprises engaged in fuel and energy sector, and require quarterly and annual reports in this regard, analyze and makeproposals to the Minister for improvement of their performance;

3.0.8.Support the participation of representatives (managers, employees and specialists) of stateorganizations operating in the fuel and energy sector at the international and regional scale international events - conference, congress, symposium, summit, seminar, meetings, presentation, exhibition, official and business meetings, gala dinners, and prepare proposals on them, review the proposals of the heads of structural subdivisions (departments) of the ministry and make presentations to the Minister;

3.0.9. Invite well-known experts in the field of energy(mainly regulation, privatization, liberalization, management, establishment of technology parks, production and other priority areas) to develop the activities of state-owned enterprises operating in the fuel and energy sector,carry out measures to send employees to training and educational (including practical) courses and organize competitions related to them;

3.0.10. Lead and supervise the organization of visits of persons invited from foreign countries (ministers, senior executives of international organizations and influential companies, etc.) and related measures;

3.0.11. Lead the preparation of intergovernmental agreements (including the contract, memorandum of understanding, intent protocol etc.) with the relevant agencies of foreign countries and represent the Ministry in negotiations and discussions during the visits delegated abroad, as well asduring the meetings with the delegation overwhelmed fromabroad to prepare these documents;

3.0.12.Organize regional and international scale events in the fuel and energy sector, conferences, congresses, symposiums, summits, seminars, meetings, presentations, exhibitions, official and business meeting gala dinnersin order to expand international relations and international cooperation in the fuel and energy sector at high levels;

3.0.13.Participate in preparation process of development projects and programs in collaboration with international organizations on priority areas of the ministry, as well as investment projects in cooperation with relevant structures of the ministry, oversee the implementation of projects and programs through acquired financial resources;

3.0.14. Prepare quarterly and annualreports for the board meetings of the Ministry on the work carried out and measures to be taken regarding the development of international relations;

3.0.15. Make proposals to the Minister for the improvement of the international cooperation of the Ministry and, if necessary, develops a development strategy in that direction;

3.0.16. Ensure that the applications and inquiries in the direction of activities received from citizens, government agencies, enterprises and organizations are reviewed in accordance with legislation;

3.0.17.Prepare the work plan and periodical activity reports;

3.0.18. Ensure the protection of service information, state and commercial secrets in accordance with the legislation during the operational process by the employees of the department;

3.0.19. Fulfill other duties provided by the legislation in accordance with its activities.


4. Rights of the Department

4.0.1. The Department has the following rights to carry out its duties and functions:

4.0.2.Sign the documents regarding the issues relating to the authority, duties and functions of the department with the consent of the Ministry's management;

4.0.3. Obtain necessary materials, information and documents from the structural units of the Ministry and state-owned enterprises and other enterprises, institutions and organizations and their authorizedofficials engaged in fuel and energy sector within the competence of the Ministry in order to fulfill its duties defined by this Regulation;

4.0.4.Establish direct contacts with energy administrations and corporations of other states, other state authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as structural subdivisions of the Ministry and state-owned enterprises operating in the fuel and energy sector concerning matters within the competence of the Department;

4.0.5. Make suggestions to the Ministry's leadership for the development and improvement of the international and foreign relations of the Ministry, as well as for the improvement of the Department's work;

4.0.6.Provide the involvement of other structural subdivisions of the Ministry and heads of state-owned enterprises operating in fuel and energy sector with the participation of their employees into the process of the preparation and implementation of measures envisaging the execution of the main functions of the department, creating working groups and executing the work carried out;

4.0.7. Participate in the discussions on the issues related with the functions of the department, the Ministry, the commissions created by the state-owned enterprises operating in the fuel and energy sector, the consultative and coordinating bodies, taking into account the requirements of the legislation;

4.0.8.Maintain the correspondence with state-owned enterprises operating in the fuel and energy sector, as well as with other relevant institutions and organizations within their jurisdiction;

4.0.9.Participate in all government agencies and other organizations related to matters within the competence of the department upon the instruction of the Ministry;

4.0.10. Carry out current activities related with state-owned enterprises operating in the fuel and energy sector, guide their activities, provide explanations and instructions on matters within the competence of the Department;

4.0.11. Conduct intercity and international telephone calls on matters within the competence of the Department under the agreement of the Ministry’s management;

4.0.12. Subscribe to the literature, publications and electronic information portals necessary for the activity of the Department;

4.0.13. Exercise other rights under the orders and instructions of the Minister;

4.0.14. Make proposals in the direction of intergovernmental cooperation and intergovernmental commissions and participate in negotiations;

4.0.15.Participate in business forums, exhibitions, presentations, conferences, seminars and other events for the purpose of implementing, strengthening, developing and expanding interstate cooperation;

4.0.16. Take part in official and business receptions and meetings held at the Ministry;

4.0.17. Make comments and suggestions on legislative acts, international treaties (agreements, contracts), organizational and instructional documents drafted by the Ministry's structural units;

4.0.18. Prepare the proposals within the limits of its competence with regard to the fulfillment of the duties defined by this Regulation, addresses inquiries to the relevant departments of the Ministry and obtaining relevant information (documents) from them;

4.0.19. Represent the Ministry within its competence with the matters under the scope of its activities, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the Ministry with respect to the state authorities, local self-governing bodies, legal entities and individuals;

4.0.20. Represent and participate during the work carried out at different levels of local and international events and within commissions, working groups formed at the Ministry and other state bodies;

4.0.21. Provide feedback, prepare, analyze, summarize, monitor and conduct research and analytical materialson issues related to its activities;

4.0.22. Draftapplications to state bodies, municipalities, individuals and legal entities;

4.0.23.Study the experience of foreign countries in line with its activities and makes suggestions to improve the activities in this field;

4.0.24. Make proposals for the preparation and training of specialists in the relevant field;

4.0.25. Exercise other rights provided by law in accordance with its activities.


5. Organization of the Department's activity

5.1. The structure and number of staff of the Department is defined and approved by the Minister. The structure of the Department includes the Interstate cooperation Division and the International organizations Division.

5.2. The Department is led by the Head of the Department, appointed and dismissed by the Minister. The Head of Department is personally responsible for performing tasks and exercising the rights entrusted to the Department.

5.3. The Department has the deputy head (deputy chief of department), who isappointed and dismissed by the Minister. The Deputy Head of the Department is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the duties entrusted to them by the Head of the Department and the exercise of the rights. In the absence of the Head of the Department, his authorities are exercised by the Deputy Head of the Department.

5.4. Other officers of the department are appointed and dismissed by the Minister.

5.5. The Head of the Department has the following authorities:

5.5.1. Sign the work plans and other documents designed to ensure the fulfillment of tasks entrusted to the Department, as well as oversee the timely and quality implementation of the measures provided in the work plan;

5.5.2. Define issues to be discussed at the Collegium of the Ministry and submit its suggestions to the leadership of the Ministry; Provide the department with the proper execution of legal acts in a timely manner;

5.5.3. Carry out evaluation of the activity of civil servants occupying administrative positions at the department;

5.5.4.Make recommendation to the Minister about the incentives or disciplinary measures taken by the department's employees;

5.5.5. Receive necessary information and documents from other structural subdivisions of the Ministry and subordinate organizations to fulfill the duties of the department;

5.5.6. Organize the review of received letters, petitions and complaints in accordance with the legislation;

5.5.7. Provide clerical work and confidentiality regime in the department;

5.5.8. Carry out appropriate measures to increase the qualifications of the department's staff and improves the working conditions;

5.5.9. Represent the department.

5.6. Officers of the Department are responsible for violation of the requirements of this Regulation in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


6. The duties of the Interstate Cooperation Division

6.0.1. Participate in the development and implementation of interstate co-operation and intergovernmental commissions with relevant government agencies;

6.0.2. Take measures to establish, implement, strengthen, develop and extend intergovernmental cooperation;

6.0.3. Participate in the preparation and improvement of drafts of legislative acts, international contracts (agreements, contracts), organizational and instructional documents in interstate cooperation sector;

6.0.4. Develop proposals for the establishment of new co-operation targets for the implementation of intergovernmental cooperation and the expansion of intergovernmental commissions;

6.0.5. Co-ordinate the activities of other state bodies in the direction of interstate cooperation and intergovernmental commissions activities;

6.0.6.Takeappropriate measures to implement international agreements (agreements, contracts and etc.) that the Republic of Azerbaijan has signed or taken partwithin the direction of intergovernmental cooperation and intergovernmental commissions;

6.0.7. Prepare information on this subject and participate in meetings, forums, visits and other events held by the Ministry's officials in the direction of intergovernmental cooperation and intergovernmental commissions;

6.0.8.Take necessary measures to implement the activities of intergovernmental commissions and working groups in which Azerbaijan and other countries, including senior officials of the Ministry, are also represented;

6.0.9. Establish periodical data base and prepare periodical reviews of the current situation, proposals and summary reports on the results in the direction of intergovernmental economic cooperation and intergovernmental commissions activities.


7. The duties of the International Organizations Division

7.0.1.Providefeedback and suggestions on international organizations, donors, and other international organizations in their respective fields of activity, and prepare reports and information received from the perspective of the country's interests;

7.0.2. Carry out the expert evaluation of the obligations of the Ministry arising from international treaties (agreements, conventions) and other documents adopted within the framework of international organizations, provide opinion on the expediency of the country's participation in aforementioned documents;

7.0.4. Take measures to establish and extend the relations of the country with regional and international organizations, international donors and other organizations;

7.0.5. Prepare proposals for carrying out expertise of the relevant regional and country strategies, programs and regional projects adopted by international organizations, international donors and other organizations, and co-ordinate these documents with national priorities;

7.0.6. Take the necessary measures to oversee the implementation of international agreements (agreements, conventions, etc.) in the field of activity of the Ministry in which the country is a party with respect to international organizationsmembership and fulfill the obligations under those contracts;

7.0.7. Efficiently organize the management of international projects entrusted to the Ministry;

7.0.8. Defend the rights and interests of the Ministry within the scope of its competence with regard to matters under the scope of its activities with respect to the public authorities, international organizations, diplomatic missions, individuals and legal entities;

7.0.9. Develop drafts of appeals to state bodies, international organizations, diplomatic missions, individuals and legal entities on activities;

7.0.10. Take measures to oversee the execution of international agreements (contracts, contracts) in which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a part of its activities and take steps to fulfill its commitments under those contracts.