The Administration of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan



1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation determines the area of activities, duties, rights and rules for organizing the activities of the Ministry of Energy (hereinafter - Ministry) of the Republic of Azerbaijan (departments and divisions).

1.2. The Ministry's Administration is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decrees and executive orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, international treaties to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, Regulations of the Ministry, orders of the Ministerial Board, orders and directives (hereinafter - the Ministry's legal acts) of the Minister of Energyand thisRegulation.

1.3. The Ministry's Administration operates in collaboration with structural units of the Ministry, subordinate organizations, state-owned fuel and energy companies, as well as, central and local executive authorities, local self-governance bodies and non-governmental organizations in carrying out their duties and exercising their rights.


2. Area of activities of the Ministry's Administration

The area of activity of the Ministry's Administration is to organize and ensure the implementation of the Ministry's duties and rights (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry's authorities)as established in the Regulationsof the Ministry.


3. Duties of theMinistry’sAdministration

3.0. In accordance with the areas of activities defined by these Regulations, the duties of the Administration of the Ministry are as follows:

3.0.1. Take relevant measures directly by itself or indirectly by involving subordinate authorities affiliated to the Ministry and the legal entitiesoperating in the fuel and energy sector, where the state owns more than two-thirds of its shares (interests) or property (hereinafter referred to as state-owned-enterprises operating in the relevant field) in order to ensure the exercise of the powers of the Ministry;

3.0.2. Carry out legal, analytical, informational, organizational and technical support of the Ministry, as well as of the Ministerand Deputy Ministers;

3.0.3. Ensure the preparation of reports on the activities of the Ministry;

3.0.4. Prepare and submit accordingly, the drafts of the Lawsof the Republic of Azerbaijan, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry in connection with the execution of the legal acts of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry, as well as the tasks and instructions of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

3.0.5. Ensurethe conduct of mandatory expertise and preparation of relevant opinionson the legal acts of the Ministry asdetermined by the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On normative legal acts";

3.0.6. Take measures to send the Ministry's board decisions to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan inhard and softcopies for inclusion in the State Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

3.0.7. Carry out the examination of the Ministry's draft legal acts and the draft documents developed by the departments and divisions of the Ministry's Administration (hereinafter - the structural units) and subordinate bodies;

3.0.8. Carry out tasks of the Minister and Deputy Ministers;

3.0.9. Organize the execution of the tasksgiven by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the Minister and Deputy Ministers;

3.0.10. Provideinformation on the issues considered by the Ministry according to the legislation, the Ministry's legal acts, instructions of the Minister and Deputy Ministers, to the state bodies, state-owned enterprises operating in the relevant field, as well as to the persons filing applications (requests);

3.0.11. Ensure the registration of persons participating in the meetings held at the Ministry;

3.0.12. Organize and ensure the implementation of the instructions of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, acts and instructions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, legal acts of the Ministry, as well as assignments of the Minister and Deputy Ministers, and the Head of the Administration of the Ministry (hereinafter - the Head of the Administration) by the structural units of the Ministry’s Administration;

3.0.13. Ensure the preparation and material and technical supply of meetings chaired by the Minister, Deputy Ministers or Head of the Administration, events held by the Minister and Deputy Ministers, also board meetings and consultations in the Administrationof the Ministry, as well as prepare the documents required for the discussion during such meetings, events, consultations and other activities;

3.0.14. Register the Ministry's legal acts, minutes or protocols of the meetings held at the Ministry, including the meetings chaired by the Minister, Deputy Ministers and Head of Administration, as well as other documents signed by the Minister and Deputy Ministers;

3.015. Prepare the speeches and reports of the Minister, Deputy Ministers, as well as Head of Administration;

3.0.16. Organize protocols of visits of the Minister and Deputy Ministers, as well as events with their participation;

3.0.17. Take measures to sign and approve international agreements of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the cases determined by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

3.0.18. Officially interpret the Ministry's legal acts;

3.0.19. Analyze and summarize information and proposals from state and local self-government bodies, state-owned enterprises operating in the relevant field, individuals and legal entitiesand submit them to the Minister and Deputy Ministers;

3.0.20. Organize board meetings of the Ministry and coordinates the agenda of the Board meeting with the Chairman of the Board;

3.0.21. Inform the public about the activity of the Ministry's Administration, support the creation of the website, which demonstrates the list of publicly disclosed public information under the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Access to Information" on this site and provides continual updates of this information;

3.022. Invole and enroll employees of the Administration of the Ministry to the courses and trainings, as well as take measures to increase the staff's qualifications and additional education;

3.0.23. Organize clerical work in the Administration of the Ministry, checks the organization of work and compliance with labor discipline;

3.0.24. Analyzes and reviews the applications (requests) received from individuals and legal entities, carriesout reception of these individuals;

3.0.25. Solves the issues of financial, economic and logistical support of the Ministry’s Administration;

3.0.26. Carries out the other duties determined bythe Regulation of the Ministry, as well as other duties defined by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Cabinet of Ministers and other acts of the Ministry.


4. Rights of the Administrationof the Ministry

4.0. The Ministry's Administration has the following rights to carry out its duties:

4.0.1. To make suggestions on the implementation of the Ministry's authorities;

4.0.2. To draft relevant legal acts and coordinate with relevant government agencies, as well as participate in their preparation;

4.0.3. To make suggestions, recommendations, reviews, prepare analytical and other type of materials, present them to the Minister and Deputy Ministers, as well as to the Head of Administration;

4.0.4. To cooperate with non-governmental organizations, international organizations and state agencies of foreign countries as part of the authorities defined by the legal acts of the Ministry, to prepare proposals on cooperation;

4.0.5. To participate in international, country, or regional scale events within the competence defined by the Ministry's legal acts;

4.0.6. To create working groups to involve relevant government agencies, including government employees, independent experts and specialists in the investigation or for solution of any issue;

4.0.7. To provide written or verbal inquiries about the necessary information (documents) to state and local self-governing bodies, state enterprises operating in the relevant field, as well as to individuals and legal entities and to receive such information (documents) from them;

4.0.8. To hold various events, briefings, board meetings and other type of events;

4.0.9. To carry out the other rights determined by the Regulation on the Ministry, as well as other rights determined by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other acts of the Ministry.


5. Organization of the activity of the Ministry's Administration

5.1. The Administration of the Ministry carries out its activities through structural units of the Administration.

5.2. The structural units of the Ministry’s Administration are guided by the division of subordination responsibilities.

5.3. The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan determines the number of employees of the Ministry’sAdministration.

5.4. The Head of the Administration is appointed and dismissed by the Minister.

5.5. Appointment and dismissal of other administrative staff members of the Ministry’s Administration are carried out in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On civil service" and the Regulation on the Ministry.

5.6. The Head of the Administration is complying to theMinister and Deputy Ministers.

5.7. The Head of the Administration has 2 (two) deputies.

5.8. The Head of the Administration:

5.8.1. Organize and manage the activities of the Administration of the Ministry, coordinate the work of Deputy Headsof the Ministry’s Administration, the heads of structural subdivisions of the Administration of the Ministry and give them relevant instructions;

5.8.2. Organize ministerial meetings, consultations and other events, as well as meetings chaired by the Minister and the Deputy Ministers;

5.8.3. Submit proposals to the Minister for approval on the directions of activity of the structural divisions of the Administration of the Ministry;

5.8.4. Represent the Administration of the Ministry;

5.8.5. Carry out the execution of the Minister's and Deputy Ministers' assignments;

5.8.6. Give instructions to the structural subdivisions of the Administration of the Ministry and subordinate organizations of the Ministry to exercise the authorities of the Ministry, oversee the execution of these tasks and obtain the necessary information;

5.8.7. Coordinate the work of structural subdivisions of the Ministry’s Administration, as well as the subordinate organizations and controls their activities;

5.8.8. Provide the preparation and approval of the list of information to be disclosed in the Ministry’s Administration and supervise the protection of state secrets in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On State Secrets";

5.8.9. Submit to the Minister proposals on the use of the service by limiting the access to information in the Office of the Ministryin accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Access to Information";

5.8.10. Organize the preparation of draftsof the agenda for the Ministry's Board meetings and the submission of the report to the Minister together with the relevant materials;

5.8.11. Participate in the meetings of the Ministry, determine the participation of mass media representatives, video and photo shooting, as well as the procedures for recording;

5.8.12. Attend meetings organized by the Ministry;

5.8.13. Make proposals to the Minister on improving the material security, labor, social and living conditions of the staff of the Ministry's Administration;

5.8.14. Carry out the duties determined by these Regulations, the Regulations of the Ministry, the Ministry's legal acts, as well as other authorities determined by the Minister and Deputy Ministers.

5.9. The Deputy Heads of the Administration are responsible for the tasks assigned to them by the Minister and Deputy Ministers and the instructions of the Head of the Administration, and are therefore personally responsible.

5.10. When the Head of the Administration is at the business trip or on vacation, orfails to perform his duties, his authority is exercised by one of the Deputy Heads of the Administration.

5.11. Employees of the Administration bear responsibility for violation of requirements of thisRegulation in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.