"Law on Electricity of the Republic of Azerbaijan"


Article 6.1.4: Supervises the compliance with permit conditions by electricity sector entities, as well as the compliance with the requirements of normative legal acts and normative acts regulating the electricity sector by these entities and consumers.

Article 6.1.9: Supervises compliance with technical requirements for the quality of electric power.

Article 6.1.10: Ensures the preparedness of power plants and electricity networks for the autumn-winter season.

"Charter of the Energy Regulatory Agency" approved by Decree No. 1750 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 22, 2017


Paragraph 1.1: The Energy Regulatory Agency (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) is a public legal entity responsible for regulating relations among producers, transmitters, distributors, suppliers, and consumers in the fields of electricity and heat energy, as well as gas supply (hereinafter referred to as the relevant sector) in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Agency conducts analysis of enterprises' activities, makes proposals related to restructuring measures, develops incentive mechanisms for attracting investments, and organizes supervision over compliance with requirements for engineering and communication support systems and service quality.

Subparagraph 2.2.2: Supervises compliance with the existing legislation, including the legislation on consumer rights protection, in the relevant sector.

Subparagraph 3.1.6: Takes measures to ensure the provision of high-quality and efficient services to consumers in the relevant sector.

Subparagraph 3.1.7: Supervises compliance with the legislation on consumer rights protection in the relevant sector, takes measures to prevent violations and hold persons responsible for violations accountable in accordance with the law.

Subparagraph 3.1.18: Supervises compliance with legislation, including economic, technical, and organizational requirements, instructions, as well as the issuance of technical conditions by enterprises in the relevant sector.

Subparagraph 3.1.21: Maintains records of incidents or failures in the energy supply and gas distribution networks, facilities, and equipment, investigates their causes, and develops organizational and technical measures to prevent such incidents and ensures their implementation.

Subparagraph 3.1.24: Supervises the management of the processes of production, transmission, and distribution of electricity and heat energy in energy production and supply enterprises, as well as the organization of dispatch services at the central and local levels in accordance with existing rules, instructions, and other legal acts.

Subparagraph 3.1.26: Supervises the proper preparation and implementation of limitation and direct disconnection schedules applied by energy production and supply enterprises in connection with electricity and power shortages in the energy system.

"Regulations on the Supervision of Electric and Thermal Energy and Gas Supply" approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 204 dated July 16, 2018


Paragraph 1.2: The purpose of supervision in the relevant sector is to further increase citizen satisfaction, improve the quality and accessibility of services provided to consumers, ensure their reliable, uninterrupted, quality, and safe supply with electricity and heat energy, as well as gas, ensure compliance with the requirements of normative legal acts regulating the relevant sector by supervised entities, and timely identify and eliminate violations.

Paragraph 1.4: The supervision in the relevant sector is carried out by the Energy Regulatory Agency under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as the Agency).

Subparagraph 1.3.1: Applies to producers, transmitters, distributors (in relation to heat energy), suppliers, and consumers (excluding household subscribers) of electricity and heat energy.

Subparagraph 2.2.4: Ensures the implementation of organizational and technical measures to prevent incidents or failures in the supply networks of electricity and heat energy, as well as in the energy supply and gas supply networks, facilities, and equipment.