Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) was established with the signing of the Istanbul Declaration on June 25, 1992.

Azerbaijan is a founding member. The other members are Albania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Russia, Romania, Turkey, Greece, Ukraine and Serbia are the member states.

The organisation was established in order to define the major aims of regional cooperation and to develop relations among countries of the region.

Azerbaijan attaches importance to the development of cooperation on the basis of mutual interests in a number of priority areas within the BSEC. These include trade, customs, transport, energy, environment, information and communication, scientific research and technology. Azerbaijan takes an active part in the relevant activities of BSEC.

Azerbaijan coordinated the activities of a working group on energy over 2005-2007. It was also nominated as the coordinating country for the working group in 2020-2021.

A representative from the Ministry of Energy attended the seminar on energy efficiency and energy management held by the Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration of Turkey within the BSEC in Ankara on September 5-9, 2007.

The next meeting of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) member states' Working Group on Energy was held in Istanbul, Turkey, on May 15, 2018. A representative from the Ministry of Energy attended the meeting.

At the next meeting of the BSEC Energy Working Group held in Istanbul on December 4, 2018, a representative from the Ministry of Energy was chairman.

A representative of the Ministry of Energy attended the next meeting of the Energy Working Group held in Istanbul on November 28-30, 2019.

Representatives of the Ministry of Energy and the Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency participated at the next meeting of the BSEC Energy Working Group, which was organized in videoconference format on 10 December 2020.