On 29 July 2024, the next meetings of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeals of the candidates, who took part in the interview stage for the position of Deputy Head of HR Department- Head of Personnel Policy Section of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 4 July 2024 and 12 July 2024, and for the position of Advisor of Protocol Service Department of the Ministry on 8 July 2024 announced by the State Examination Center on 30 April 2024 and 6 May 2024 respectively. Relevant decisions were adopted.

On 22 May 2024 and 11 June 2024, the next meetings of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeals of the candidates, who took part in the interview stage for the position of Advisor of Strategic Analysis and Forecasting Department of the AREA under the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 26 April 2024 and 30 April 2024 respectively, announced by the State Examination Center on 14 February 2024 and relevant decision was adopted.

On 2 May 2024, the next meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeal of the candidate, who took part in the interview stage for the position of the advisor of the Electricity Section of  Head of Department of Power and Thermal Energy of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 17 April 2024, announced by the State Examination Center on 14 February 2024 and relevant decision was adopted.

On 22 February 2024, the next meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeal of the candidate, who took part in the general interview stage for the position of Deputy Head of  Supply Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 26 January 2023, announced by the State Examination Center on 23 November 2023 and relevant decision was adopted.

On 27 December, the next meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeals of the candidates, who took part in the internal interview stage for the positions of Advisor to the Head of the state body on energy efficiency at the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 13 December 2023 within the announcement made by the State Examination Center on 14 November 2023 and relevant decisions were adopted.

On 7 September, the next meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeals of the candidates, who took part in the interview stage for the positions of advisor for the Thermal Power Section of the Department of Power and Thermal Energy, and the leading advisor for Section of Energy Efficiency on Economic Fields of the Department of Energy Efficiency of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, announced by the State Examination Center on 1 May 2023 and relevant decisions were adopted.

On 31 July 2023, the next meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeal of the candidate, who took part in the interview stage for the position of advisor for the Department of Finance of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 23 June 2023 , announced by the State Examination Center on 1 May 2023 and relevant decision was adopted.

On 19 July 2023, the next meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeal of the candidate, who took part in the interview stage for the position of leading advisor for the Thermal Power Section of the Department of Power and Thermal Energy of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 7 June 2023, announced by the State Examination Center on 10 Aprel 2023 and relevant decision was adopted.

On 6 January 2023, the next meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeal of the candidate, who took part in the interview stage for the position of leading advisor for the Civil Service Section of the Department of Civil Service and HR of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 12 December 2022, announced by the State Examination Center on 6 September 2022 and relevant decision was adopted.

On 28 December 2022, the next meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeal of three candidates, who took part in the interview stage for the position of leading advisor for the Civil Service Section of the Department of Civil Service and HR of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 29 and 30 November 2022, announced by the State Examination Center on 6 September 2022 and relevant decisions were adopted.

On 22 December 2022, the next meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeal of three candidates, who took part in the interview stage for the position of leading advisor for the Civil Service Section of the Department of Civil Service and HR of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 25 and 30 November 2022, announced by the State Examination Center on 6 September 2022 and relevant decisions were adopted.

Within the interview on the competition announced by the State Examination Center on September 2022, 6, the Civil Service and Personnel Department of the Administration of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the meeting of the Appeal Board of the Ministry of Energy on the appeal of the candidate Alasgarli Aysel Slava, who participated in the interview held on November 28, 2022, was held on December 14, 2022 and a relevant decision was made.

Decision No. 12 dated December 14, 2022 of the Appeal Board of the Ministry of Energy

Within the interview on the competition announced by the State Examination Center on September 2022, 6, the Civil Service and Personnel Department of the Administration of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the meeting of the Appeal Board of the Ministry of Energy on the appeal of the candidate Abdullayeva Arzu Elkhan, who participated in the interview held on November 25, 2022, was held on December 14, 2022 and a relevant decision was made.

Decision No. 11 dated December 14, 2022 of the Appeal Board of the Ministry of Energy

On 6 April 2022, the meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeal of the candidate Orucova Aysel, who took part in the interview stage for the position of senior advisor for the Department of Finance of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 28 February 2022, announced by the State Examination Center on 27 December 2021 and relevant decisions were adopted.

The decision No. 10 dated 6 April 2022 of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy

On 30 March 2022, the meetings of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy were held on the appeals of the candidates Abdullayev Firidun, who took part in the interview stage for the position of senior advisor for Department of Finance of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 23 February 2022, and Aliyev Murad, who took part in the interview stage for the position of senior advisor for the Project Implementation and Monitoring Department at the AREA under the Ministry of Energy on 28 February 2022 and relevant decisions were adopted.

The decision No. 8 and No. 9 dated 30 March 2022 of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy

On 15 February 2022, the meetings of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy were held on the appeals of the candidates Aliyeva Konul and Gurbanova Ilaha, who took part in the interview stage for the position of leading advisor for Department of Law, Human Resources and Clerk of AREA under the Ministry of Energy in 10 and 14 January 2022 respectively, and  announced by the State Examination Center on 13 September 2021 and relevant decisions were adopted.

The decision No. 6, dated February 15, 2022, of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy

The decision No. 7, dated February 15, 2022, of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy

On January 27, 2022, the meetings of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy were held on the appeals of the candidates Hasanli Rugiyya, who took part in the interview stage for the position of advisor for Department of Law, Human Resources and Clerk of AREA under the Ministry of Energy  in 24 December 2021, and Abdullayev Murad, who took part in the interview stage for the position of advisor for the Service Inspection Section of Internal Control Department at the Ministry of Energy in 14 December 2021 announced by the State Examination Center on 13 September 2021 and relevant decisions were adopted.

The decision No. 4, dated January 27, 2022, of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy

The decision No. 5, dated January 27, 2022, of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy

On January 21, 2022, the meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeal of the candidates Mustafayeva Gunel and Bayramov Panah, who took part in the interview stage for the position of advisor for Department of Law, Human Resources and Clerk of AREA under the Ministry of Energy  in 15, 16 December 2021 announced by the State Examination Center on 13 September 2021 and relevant decisions were adopted.

The decision No. 2, dated January 21, 2022, of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy

The decision No. 3, dated January 21, 2022, of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy

On January 7, 2022, the meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeal of the candidate Yusifova Ulkar, who took part in the interview stage of the competition for the position of advisor for the Service Inspection Section of Internal Control Department at the Ministry of Energy  in 10 December 2021 announced by the State Examination Center on 13 September 2021 and relevant decision was adopted.

The decision No. 1, dated January 7, 2022, of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy

On December 23, 2021, the meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeal of the candidate Sultanova Fatima, who took part in the interview stage for the position of leading advisor for the Department of Renewable Energy Sources Development at AREA in 17 November 2021 announced by the State Examination Center on 13 September 2021 and relevant decision was adopted.

The decision No. 5, dated December 23, 2021, of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy 

On December 8, 2021, meetings of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy were held on the appeals of candidates Aliyev Azer and Asad Ramal, who took part in the interview stage for the position of leading advisor for the Department of Renewable Energy Sources Development at AREA in 15 and 16 November 2021 announced by the State Examination Center on 13 September 2021 and relevant decisions were adopted.

The decision No. 3, dated December 8, 2021, of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy 

The decision No. 4, dated December 8, 2021, of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy 

On December 1, 2021, a meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeals of candidate Garibzadeh Parviz, who took part in the interview stage for the position of chief advisor at the Department of Renewable Energy Sources Development at AREA announced by the State Examination Center on 13 September 2021 and relevant decision was adopted.

The decision of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy dated December1, 2021

n March 9, 2021, a meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeals of candidate Abdullayev Firudun, who took part in the general interview stage announced by the State Examination Center on December 10, 2020 and relevant decision was adopted.

The decision of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy dated March 9, 2021

On May 5, 2020, a meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeals of candidate Kamilli Samir, who took part in the interview stage of the competition announced by the State Examination Center on January 13, 2019 and relevant decision was adopted.

The decision of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy dated May 5, 2020 

On July 3, 2019, a meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held on the appeals of candidates Ramazanli Ayten, Huseynova Nilufer and Isazadeh Vusal, who took part in the interview stage of the competition announced by the State Examination Center on April 15, 2019 and relevant decisions were adopted.

Decision №2

Decision №3

Decision №4

On may 21, 2019, the next meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held.

At the meeting, the director of “Armoni Inshaat” LLC Guliyev Javanshir Safar's appeal on the activity of the Energy Regulatory Agency was reviewed.

The representative of “Azerishig” OJSC as the member of relevant body attended at the meeting of the Appeal Council.

The decision of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy dated May 21, 2019


The first meeting of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy was held in September 19, 2018.

At the meeting, the appeal of Kerimov Ildirim about his disagreement with the result of the interview on civil service about his insufficient qualification for the relevant position and the examination of the interview materials was reviewed.

The members of the Appeal Council reviewed the collected appeal materials and watched the video of the interview and according to the results of the voting based on the relevant reviews, the decision of the State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the results of the voting was considered valid.

The decision of the Appeal Council of the Ministry of Energy dated September 19, 2018